Posts Tagged ‘Worton Creek’

Day #320 – Worton Creek, MD

June 16, 2009

This was the beautiful night view of downtown Baltimore as seen from the deck of our boat.

We were a little sad to be leaving Baltimore as we enjoyed our stay there so much.  But, time to move on and our destination was Worton Creek, MD.  This is our last stop on the Chesapeake Bay.  That is hard to believe as the Bay is such a highlight of the trip and now it is behind us.  We have enjoyed every minute we spent on it.

The buoy pictured below marks the spot where the ship carrying Francis Scott Key, the author of the Star Spangled Banner, was anchored during the bombardment of Fort McHenry in the War of 1812.The lyrics were written in the morning after battle as he saw the flag rise above the Fort.  Each year the Coast Guard sets the buoy in the spring marking the location of the event and then removes it in the fall.

The water coming across the Chesapeake today was a bit rough, but the trip was only three hours so we weathered it well.  Again, crab pots and net markers are everywhere.

We passed these three Naval training vessels traveling in formation.

Our marina is the Worton Creek marina.  It is hard to believe that just 30 miles from Baltimore it is this remote.  We have very limited internet and cell phone coverage.  It feels like one of the stops in the river system.  The closest town is 15 miles away.

This lovely bird decided to grace Good News with her presence.

It is going down into the 50s tonight.  Where did our warm, sunny weather go????