Archive for September, 2008

Day #61 – Beardstown, IL

September 30, 2008

Left Peoria, IL this morning at 7:30 with three other boats. Thought we were only going to make it to Bath Chute but the day was beautiful, the conditions perfect and decided to come all of the way to Beardstown, 82.5 miles and it took 7+ hours.


Nothing very eventful to note other than still a lot of evidence of the floods and the devastation some of the homes and marinas along the river have suffered.

We are currently anchored behind Grape Island and it is lovely. Not sure how many other boats will stop here, but it is the first anchorage we have done since Charlevoix, MI. Nice and quiet.

Passed a boat today that reminded us that Shirley is always with us, the Shirley Ann. Her maiden name was Shirley Ann Wallace. Bet she would be pleased to have a hard working tug named after her.

Since we were able to make it further today than expected, we plan to make another long day tomorrow and pull into Grafton a day ahead of schedule.

Day #60 – Peoria, IL

September 29, 2008

Woke this morning to rain.  After the Captain’s meeting it was decided to spend another day here as the river still hadn’t opened.  Decided to do things that we had been putting off.  Andy (MacGyver as the kids call him) made a dryer vent that he was having trouble finding in the stores.  He made it out of cardboard and then resin over the entire thing.  Works like a charm, but then anyone who knows Andy never would have doubted his ability.  I spent the entire morning setting up Microsoft Outlook from my Palm exported addresses, phones, etc.  Made it through the letter R and stopped as we were invited to lunch. 

Ready for a diversion Andy, Charlotte, Bob and I walked up to the greasy spoon we ate at the other night and low and behold it was closed on Mondays.  Disappointed, we each went back to our boats and ate leftovers, but decided to get together for a pot luck dinner on their boat tonight. 

Everyone has things they worried about while planning for the trip.  One of mine was coloring my hair and I am glad to report, I conquered that demon this afternoon. Quite a visual I am sure. Proved I could do it and am off the hook for another month.  Hopefully by then, we will be back in an area where I can hire a professional to do the job. 


A local boater offered to take a group of us into town to go shopping and pick up groceries.  It was a tight squeeze and Andy was lucky enough to have me sit on his lap, yikes!  On the way to town, we did the historic driving tour.  It really was lovely and then our driver dropped us off.  We walked around Peoria Heights and into a couple of stores. 

The men patiently waited while the women went into a few stores and then we moved on to the grocery.  Our driver graciosuly picked us up and we drove the other scenic route back to the boat. I am sure Andy was never so glad to get back to his destination.

The good news came this afternoon the the river has FINALLY opened and we will be off in the morning for parts unknown, thank goodness, as everyone is getting impatient to get moving.

Day #59 – Peoria, IL

September 28, 2008

A couple of pictures taken from Foreign Exchange thought everyone might enjoy.  Shows how thick the fog was yesterday when we left Ottawa and the happy couple locking through.

Spent another day at the IVY Club waiting for the river to open up south of here.  Captains are speculating that the Coast Guard will lift the restrictions tomorrow and people are kind of stuck in a holding pattern as everything, even anchorages, south of us are filled with other Looper boats waiting their turn.

Worked on a few projects today and are headed for the Captains meeting shortly.  There are currently five Looper boats at IVY.  May go up to the club and partake in their chicken dinner tonight.  Can you stand the excitement?

Another beautiful day, sunny and high of 76.  Hopefully, off early to our next destination. 

Day #58 – Peoria, IL

September 27, 2008

Day #58 and we have gone about 1,000 miles.  Feel like we are making a little progress again.  Six boats left Ottawa this morning at 6:30 and left in fog.

Always a little scary but it cleared quickly.  Seems like things were going our way today as the only lock we had to go through was Starved Rock.  Called ahead and he said if we got there within the next 15 minutes he could take us before the barge, otherwise a 3-4 hour wait.  Obviously, picked up the pace.

Glad to report we made it and locked through with five other Looper boats including Foreign Exchange, Ping, Grettatude and two sailboats.  As you can see from the photo above, they don’t leave you much room to maneuver around the walls and barges.

Clear sailing all of the way.  We were pleasantly surprised that the scenery quickly changed and the river was wider and much more scenic. Unfortunately we were not able to get pictures, but we actually saw a bald eagle and a few white pelicans. 

Traveled about 64 miles today and it took 8+ hours.  Good News, Foreign Exchange and Ping pulled into Illinois Valley Yacht Club (IVY).  A little dicey pulling in as their break wall is partially submerged but the captain did a magnificent job as usual.  Their fuel and pump out docks are inoperable because of the water level.

They have a lobster boil at the club tonight, but you had to have advanced reservations.  We will go have cocktails with Charlotte and Bob on Foreign Exchange and then either walk into a pub in town or eat at the bar in the club.  All in all a great day and the magnificent weather continues 50/82 and sunny today.

Not sure what tomorrow holds, but the captain is working on that while I do the blog. 

Day #57 – Ottawa, IL

September 26, 2008

The good news for “Good News” today is that they opened up another section of the Illinois River.  We are currently at MM 242 and it is now open to MM 108 and then again after MM 50.  That means we can travel for two days and then hope for the best to get further down the river.  People are doing the best they can under the circumstances, but everyone is anxious to get going with the trip.  Most baots are at least two weeks behind schedule.  That is pretty funny when you consider the advice they give everyone…don’t make dates and plans.  Something always comes up.  Guess the seasoned travelers know what they are talking about.

Got the courtesy can again today and were chauffered around again.  Amazing when going to Walmart twice in one week is a big deal.

About to go to the Captain’s meeting.  Four boats left this morning to go further down river and I am sure we will find out tonight that several more are planning to go tomorrow.  I know we are hoping we can get an early start.  We have reservations so we know we will have a place to stay.

Day #56 – Ottawa, IL

September 26, 2008

Well, good to know someone is keeping tabs on us.  Peggy called this morning and noticed that we hadn’t made an entry yesterday.  Oops, maybe I should make something up.  Not much to report on our first full day in bug infested Ottawa, IL.  I have never seen so many bugs in one place.  We have everything from flies, bees, ladybugs, MOSQUITOS and noseeums.  It keeps all of the captains busy washing their boats.  Had a catch up day and finally got a ride into town in a courtesy car around 2:00. Lisa from Kismet and I had decided to make dinner for Bob and Charlotte on Foreign Exchange as they had spent the day on the river…all day.  Went to the grocery store, a little tour around town, and the hardware store.  Came back and prepared dinner and went to the captain’s meeting. Not a lot getting resolved there. You would think the boats who have been here two weeks would be anxious to leave, but it doesn’t appear that way.  We are hoping for the announcement this afternoon that the rivers are open and we can all get moving.  There are currently 66 boats in various places on this river system waiting for the word to move south.  Should be interesting.

Had a nice dinner aboard Kismet, beautiful boat, nice people and good conversation.  Came back to the boat and fell into bed.

Day #55 – Ottawa, IL

September 24, 2008

Left the comfort of the Joliet wall on this bright, sunny morning at 8:30 am.  Kismet left with us. 

It was a long day as we locked through the first lock quickly and then waited two hours to lock through the second one. 

A few of the channel markers were a bit out of place from the floods. 

Someone really wishes he would have heeded the warnings and taken his boat out.

Now, it is 4:10 and we are still waiting to lock through the third lock, the Marseilles lock.  The breeze died, it was really still and the “no seeums” were biting like crazy.  After we got through, it was a short ride down to Heritage Harbor in Ottawa.

Arrived in Ottawa at 4:30, three locks, many bridges, lots of river debris and eight hours after we left.  Great people working here (Mike, Capt. Moe) as they were ready and waiting for us.  Unfortunately, the slip they attempted to put us in was only 16′ wide.  We take 15’8″, but the captain pulled us in without incident.  We decided to move to a wider slip, one dock over, and it was longer so we had a better tie up.  Docked next to Victory, out of Ft. Lauderdale with Harold and Cheryl and their kids.  We had been with them in Chicago and Joliet.  They invited us onbard to their 60′ Hatteras.  It is a beautiful boat, 29 years old and belonged to his parents.  It has been repainted and the inside refitted and pristine. 

Left there and went to the 60′ “Reception Boat” (above) that Heritage Harbor provides.  They have cocktail hour and a reception on it each night. Saw many familiar faces and some new ones.  Because of the floods, some of the boats have been here almost two weeks. They said at the peak, these rivers here in the marina, rose an additional ten feet and all of the docks were under water. Glad we were safe and sound and tied up in Chicago at the time.

Came back, had dinner and chillaxing for the rest of the night.

Day #54 – Joliet, IL

September 23, 2008

Yep, still in Joliet.  At least the weather is amazing with sunny skies and highs in the 80s.  Can’t complain about that.

Spent the better part of the day going to the walk-in clinic here in Will County. Back on the 502 bus which took us right there.  Quite a well oiled machine and after a doctor exam, chest xray, breathing test, breathing treatment and another doctor visit we were out the door in under two hours.  Really great for a walk-in clinic.  Then back on the 502 bus to Walmart to fill prescriptions for the tale end of pneumonia and full blown bronchitis.  Filled prescriptions, bought some supplies and back on the 502 bus back to the boat.  All in all a four hour round-trip.  Andy was a real trooper!

At least three boats are planning to leave tomorrow for Heritage Harbor about 50 miles south of here. Not sure what to expect from there as things are still backed up further down the river.  Apparently this has made national news as evidenced below:

“I thought you all might like to know that Associated Press interview Ron Gumm and Capt. Mobley on your adventures on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, and you made the national papers!  Here’s some links.  If they don’t work,  you may have to copy and paste into your browser.

Here is the Fox News:,2933,426426,00.html
Here is the New York Post:
Washington Post:
USA Today:

Also made papers in Chicago, Miami, Seattle.”

Would rather be further down the river but at least if we have to wait it out, we got some press out of it.

Quite a group going to dinner up town tonight for our last night in Joliet (never dreamed we would be here for a week) and stopped by Harrah’s on the way back.  As usual, I should have just handed them my money when I walked in.

Day #53 – Joliet, IL

September 22, 2008

Decided that today was the day that we would venture out and ride the bus to the local Menard’s.  It is like Home Depot, from which I think Andy has had withdrawals.  Found the correct bus stop in town and boarded the 502 to our final destination.  It took about one half hour and we were there.  Everyone should ride the bus now and then to get the local flavor.  Found nearly everything we needed and headed back to the bus stop to wait for the return trip.

Got back to the boat and Andy vented the dryer to the outside instead of dumping hot air into the engine room which is already warm enough.  Organized and cleaned up as we are anticipating leaving Joliet tomorrow for Ottawa and further into the river system.  Things are still bottle necked and closed south of here so not sure how far we can get.  The AGLCA is doing a great job in conjunction with the Loopers to orchestrate the passage so as many boats get through as safely as possible.

An absolutely huge barge (3 wide and 5 deep) with one tug in front and one in back passed by a little while ago.  Looks like the barges are starting to move and you sure don’t want to get stuck behind something like that.  Another Looper boat, Full Moon, arrived in Joliet this afternoon.  Fortunately, there is still a little more room on the wall in case more show up.

Charlotte (Foreign Exchange) is attempting to arrange dinner reservations at a Mexican restaurant for the group tonight.  It is called Senor Tequila should be interesting.  They claim you can drink as many Margaritas as you want because they will drive you home.  Hope the food is as good.

Another Captain’s meeting is scheduled for 5:00 to decide who is moving and who is staying.

Day #52 – Joliet, IL

September 21, 2008

September 21, 2008, the first official day of Fall.  Wow, where did the summer go? and what a great one it was.  Guess we will try and make it last a bit longer as the forecast here today is sunny and a high of 80.  Ahhh.

Andy had a brilliant idea and last night we turned on the air conditioning and we slept like babies.  Never heard the barges, trains, etc.

Plan to spend today here in Joliet and make the best of it.  Andy is already washing the boat and it is only 9:00. Will try and do more work on GasCaptain today and get more data entered.  Getting some good feedback and want to keep it moving forward.

Made some crazy concoction in the Crock Pot that cooked all day with the ingredients we bought at the Mexican market.  Pork, tomatillos, roasted poblanos, jalapenos, onions, garlic and other ingredients as the mood struck me.  Made guacamole to pass to the group at the “Captain’s Meeting” on the docks tonight.  Well received and the leftovers went with the pork.  Tasty and will serve the leftovers in home made corn tortillas we bought at the market. 

At the meeting it was decided that all of the boats that are currently here in Joliet will stay for one more day and hope to have locks and river systems open down river from here so we can move on Tuesday.