Archive for January, 2009

Day #184 – West End, Grand Bahama

January 31, 2009

Kind of a quiet day here.  Very windy and cooler, high only about 65 today.  We tried taking pictures and videos and they don’t show it, but there are small white caps in the marina.  The wind is blowing straight in from the ocean and it makes it quite rough in here.  We were up a couple of times in the night securing the boat and making sure everything was OK.  The wind blew all night and has continued all day, gusting to 25 mph.  We hear this is normal for The Bahamas in the winter.  That is one reason their peak tourist season doesn’t being until March.

Didn’t venture far from the marina today.  Took a few more pictures of this beautiful place.

We set up Skype on the computer today. Since we have such good internet connection here, we decided to give it a try.  Calling from The Bahamas to the US is under 10 cents a minute so we may use it when we have good connection.  Miss talking to everyone.

Day #183 – West End, Grand Bahama

January 30, 2009

Woke to a beautiful day in Old Bahama Bay marina in West End.  This marina/resort is top notch and we love the location.  Brad and Patti ran into some other Loopers we had met in Demopolis, Joe and Judy in Northern Star.  They are from Minnesota and have been here about three weeks.  They told us that the house at the end of the marina, on the beach, belongs to the Travolta’s and that is where their son died a few weeks ago.  Very sad and really puts a place to the story. 

This is their home at Old Bahama Bay

The Travolta’s boat is here in the marina as well

I finally ventured off the boat, with ankle wrapped, and walked around the marina for a bit.  Very nice facility and well taken care of.

The beach and pool area are just steps away from the marina.

The weather has changed and strong winds are expected for the next few days.  A cold front is moving in so looks like our stay here will end up being longer than expected.  Good thing we made the crossing yesterday as the weather isn’t expected to settle down until the middle of next week. 

Not a bad place to be stranded.


Day #182 – West End, Grand Bahama

January 29, 2009

I can hardly believe we are here.  Up at 5:00 and couldn’t leave until 6:45.  Actually out into the ocean at 7:08 am.  They had predicted 2-4 foot seas with southerly wind 10-15. 

Well…!  It was rough to start and got worse as the day progressed.  For those of you who know the lay out of our boat, picture me with only one good foot, afraid to move and perched in the corner of the pilot house (commonly known as Karen’s corner!)  Andy said if they say 2-4 footers, add them together as we had 6-8 we think.  Andy tried and tried to use the auto pilot but it went too far off course so he had to steer and fight the wheel the entire way.  Brilliant job, I might add!


Salvage Crew making their crossing

We had arranged to cross with a boat named Salvage Crew (Brad and Patti Salvage from Alabama).  We had originally met them at Joe Wheeler at the Rendezvous back in October.  They were in Marathon while we were there, although at a different marina.  We hooked up in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale and stayed in touch to go together on the crossing today.  Glad we did as it was nice to have company and know you weren’t out there alone. 


7.25 hours and 84.7 miles later we arrived at Old Bahama Bay Resort.  It is just beautiful here and exactly as I expected The Bahamas to look and feel.  Friendly people, beautiful facility, a Class A resort.  We are going to have dinner with Brad and Patti and make the decision how to progress from here.  Andy is currently out washing to boat as it is a complete salt block from the wind and waves.  Something us fresh water boaters need to get used to.

This is the view across the bow of Good News happily, securely tied to the dock and we are glad for it.

Glad to have internet here, especially as I had to take the battery out of my Blackberry.  Now I know how Obama feels.  Hoping you all keep in touch via email. 

January 29-????? – The Abacos, Bahamas

January 28, 2009

To all of our loyal family, friends and loyal blog followers, we wanted to let you know where and when we will be places.

The big ocean crossing is due to begin at 6:00 am the morning of Thursday, January 29, 2009.  If all goes as planned we will arrive at:

Old Bahama Bay Resort-January 29th


After that, 3-4 nights will be spent making our way to Marsh Harbor.

Abaco Beach Resort & Boat Harbour
Marsh Harbour
Abaco, Bahamas
(approximate dates 2/1-3/1)


Orchid Bay Yacht Club and Marina
Great Guana Cay
Abaco, Bahamas
(approximate dates 3/2-3/8)


We will update the blog whenever possible, although we are not sure what the availability will be.  We will be thinking of all of you and will be in touch when we can.  Let us know if you would like to join us.  There are flights right to Marsh Harbour and we welcome you!! 


Bon Voyage ~

Day #179 – Ft. Lauderdale, FL

January 28, 2009

Glad to report that the inverter is installed.  Even Andy, the consummate handy man, worked all day on it.  It was an exhausting job, heavy and cramped quarters.  As usual, never a complaint and job completed and well done.  He is currently off to CVS in search of ace bandages for my hand and ankle as well as last minute supplies.

Yesterday we moved from Cooley’s Landing Marina to New River Marina.  They are both City of Ft. Lauderdale marinas, just a short distance from each other.  At Cooley’s the slip we were in was literally right next to a draw bridge and VERY noisy.  One night was plenty so after Andy worked all day on the inverter installation we moved the boat.  We are now closer to the ICW in preparation for our departure tomorrow to the Bahamas.  It is much quieter here, more scenic and we are really glad we made the change.

View from our boat at the New River Marina

The plan is to leave Ft. Lauderdale at 6:00 am tomorrow for the crossing.  It should take us 8-10 hours depending on weather.  We will stay the first night at Old Bahama Bay Resort and Marina. 

After that, we work our way around to Marsh Harbour where we will be staying for the month of February if everything goes as planned.  We have been advised to turn our cell phones off and not turn them on again until we get back in to the United States.  We would be charged international rates for all voice mails, emails, etc.  One boater reported that his bill the first month was $400 and he never even used his phone.  We will check email as regularly as possible, so keep those emails coming.

Day #178 – Ft. Lauderdale, FL

January 27, 2009


We left Miamarina in Miami yesterday at 8:30.  I was particularly excited for this day as we were going to Ft. Lauderdale and passing by Pier 66 on the ICW.  Having been to Pier 66 a couple of times with family and friends I had made a wish there.  Watching all of the boats go by, I said to Andy, “some day maybe we will be lucky enough to be one of those boats!” 

Well, yesterday was that lucky day.  It was 78 and sunny on the beautiful blue water.  Going up the ICW there are several bridges.  Some we could pass under, others we had to wait for an opening.  Lucky day that it was, we really didn’t spend any time waiting. 

Beautiful homes and huge boats line the ICW and canals most of the way from Miami to Ft. Lauderale.

At about 1:00 we passed by Pier 66! 

After passing Pier 66 we had arranged to meet Peterson Fuel Barge for refueling.  It was a new experience for us.  You wait out on the ICW and they come out to meet you.  They are a fast pumping vessel and we were filled with 400 new gallons of fuel and on our way in under one half hour.  Impressive.

We wound our way down the New River in Lauderdale.  What a site as this narrow river is lined with huge homes, condos and some enormous boats. We couldn’t  actually enter our reserved slip at Cooley’s Landing as the tide was going out and the current too strong.  They put us a temporary floating dock instead.  Once tied up we headed out for West Marine and the purchase of our new inverter.  Andy had arranged the day before to pick it up and we did.  After dropping another boat unit and a half, we were on our way back to the boat.

Rode in the cab back to the marina and he got us as close as he could.  Poor Andy had to carry that beast quite some way to get back to the boat.  He made it to the boat and I almost did.  Walking down the ramp, I slipped off the edge and landed flat on my face.  Good thing I am so graceful as there were several people there to witness it.  After lying on the concrete for a few minutes, Andy gathered me up, poured me back on the boat and we got the call it was our time to move to our slip.  The window to move is only one half hour each day and now was the time. I hobbled up on the deck and somehow we managed to get it into the slip and tie up.  After that it was pretty much ice and Advil for the duration of the night.  Andy was a very good nurse maid.  Bad sprain on my right ankle and left hand.  Oh well, nothing six weeks of limping around won’t cure.

Fell into bed in anticipation of Tuesday being the day of the inverter replacement.  If all goes well, we still plan to go to the Bahamas Wednesday or Thursday.

For those who know me well, many know that xoxo (hugs and kisses) is often my sign off in letters and emails.  Nice of Miami to put it on a building for me.

Day #178 – Miami, FL

January 25, 2009

We can hardly believe we arrived in the port of Miami today.  We have traveled over half of the Great Circle Loop and are heading north again (3,400+ miles).  A beautiful day on the water, 78 and sunny with the water glass calm.  We left Key Largo about 8:00 and arrived in Miami 5 hours later.  We saw dolphins perform like they do at Sea World, but as usual, I was unable to capture it on film.  Still shallow out there today, but the captain got us into Biscayne Bay safe and sound.

A very busy port with boats of all shapes and sizes crossing in front of you.  It is amazing how many boaters either don’t know the rules of the water or just don’t observe them.  We watched a HUGE party boat “wake” a father and daughter in a kayak.  Fortunately, they were OK but I am sure it was the ride of their lives.  Six cruise ships were in port when we arrived.  We watched one Norwegian Cruise Line ship go to leave port and turn completely around in an unbelievably small space.  Andy was very impressed.

This is the view from the bow of our boat at Miamarina in Miami!

After tying up we decided to go ashore and walk around the Bayside Marketplace here at the marina.  It is quite a “happening place” with every kind of food offered and many little shops and markets.  Great people- watching and live entertainment.  We’ll walk back up there tonight to get dinner, so many choices.

The plan is to leave Miami early tomorrow for Ft. Lauderdale.  It should take about 3 hours, not far but slow travels.  We hope to get there early enough for Andy to locate the replacement inverter and install it tomorrow and the next day.  That would allow us to leave for the Bahamas as planned on Wednesday, January 28th.  But in boating, you have to be willing to adjust your plans!

Day #177 – Key Largo, FL

January 25, 2009

Had another exciting day yesterday.  Left Marathon after three weeks there.  A little sad to be leaving as we liked it there and the pace was nice and slow.  Went through Boot Key Harbor as we were leaving where MANY liveaboards reside.  You could tell that MANY boats never move, they are strictly residences, if you can call them that.  Even one deserted marina that the buzzards had taken over.


After replacing the refrigerator we thought we might be through with repairs for a time.  As we cruised I relized that the battery on the laptop was running down even though I was connected to an outlet.  Andy explored and discovered that our inverter had expired.  We could not use any outlets while underway.  That is an item you REALLY don’t want to have to replace but when we arrive in Ft. Lauderdale it must be done.  AGAIN, at least it happened before we were in the Bahamas.  Even at shore power last night we couldn’t use any plugs that connect to the 12V system. 

The water depths are VERY shallow most of the way.  We even “bumped” bottom in a couple of places.  You can see by the birds in the water right next to the channel and a view of the depth finder.

Went to dinner last night at a place near the marina called Marley’s where they have Peruvian cooks and the food was great.  Went to bed early even though the music at Gilbert’s across the channel was blaring.  Eventually fell asleep and had a good night.  Good to be out cruising again after a long lay up in one area.



Day #176 – Marathon, FL

January 23, 2009

Our last day in Marathon, at least for this year.  We have really enjoyed it here and now totally understand what people mean when they say you develop “Keys Disease” if you are down here long enough.  Just a much slower pace and way of life. 

A beautiful sunny 70 degree day.  Warmer than it has been for the last few and very welcomed.  Spent most of the day just finishing things up for our departure in the morning.  After the exciting day we spend yesterday this one was great.


This afternoon we said good bye to a travel companion we have had since before we left home…my Earth Box.  It was filled with herbs and I used them a ton.  It was a great conversation starter in marinas and I always knew if the economy got really bad, I could sell herbs.  I will keep the box to plant again in the Spring but you cannot take live plants into the Bahamas.  So out they went.  I froze a few, refrigerated a few and gave the rest away.

Day #175 – Marathon, Fl

January 22, 2009

In boating you just never know what to expect.  Make plans and something comes up to change them.  Last night we charted our course to leave bright and early Friday morning and start heading for Ft. Lauderdale.  Well, the morning greeted us with sunshine and a dead refrigerator.  It must have died in the night.  Keep in mind that we had just provisioned for the trip to the Bahamas.  We called around and called around to try and find a service person and no one could come until next week.  Talked to a few people and they confirmed Andy’s thoughts that when a Norcold dies, replace it, don’t attempt to fix it.  Well, to our surprise Boaters World (within walking distance of the marina) had the exact replacement in stock.  We walked back to the marina and located Kyle, the Harbormaster and within 30 minutes he and Andy were back with the new refrig.  We uninstalled the old one and he took it to the dumpster for us.  Andy is still working to install the new one (a little different fit) but I am sure it will be mission accomplished.  We have had the ice maker filled with frozen food, two coolers filled with ice and food all day, as well as a large bucket and the galley sink.  Not sure if all of the food will make it, but we are thankful for the way this scenario played out.  A boat unit and a half later, one day lost and we will be one our way. 

Out with the old!


In with the new!

Think we will push back the departure until Saturday which will give us tomorrow to do the chores we had planned for today.  Ahhh, the trials and tribulations of boating and THANK GOD Andy is handy!