Archive for February, 2009

Day #212 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 28, 2009

What an absolutely perfect day in paradise.  We woke up to a beautiful sunrise and Joe drove Andy on his scooter to rent our center console boat for the day.  The three couples went in together and set out to go exploring.  We went to Hope Town early and grabbed a spot at the city dock.  It filled up quickly as it was the Volunteer Fireman’s Annual Fundraiser today.  We walked all around town, ran in to Jim and Lisa Favors who we hadn’t seen since Wheeler.  Great to see them and it has been too long.  We left Hope Town, ran the boat over to the island named Lubbers Quarters and went to Cracker P’s for lunch.  Left there and ran over to Snake Cay to explore but the tide was too low to get back up in there.  We will go back in the dinghies next week.  After that we went over to Sea Spray Marina where Jim and Lisa will be for the month.  We will go there after we leave Marsh Harbor Marina mid-March.  All in all it was a perfect day and hopefully the pictures will speak for themselves.

Day #211 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 27, 2009

Woke to a beautiful morning.  It is the first time in a long time that the winds have calmed and the temperature has picked up a little.  High today is expected to be 75 and the blue sky is crystal clear.  We took our usual morning walk and it is a great day to be in Marsh Harbour.

It is a quiet day getting things done around the boat.  We put the dinghy in the water after chores and went to do a little exploring again.  You never tire of exploring in these beautiful turquoise waters.  The water was so calm and clear you could see right to the bottom easily, even with out a viewing bucket…fantastic!


Spotted Ray

Tonight we met at Mangoes Restaurant across the harbor and had dinner with Woody and Ellen Sutton on Double S.  They have invited the Lynches and Salvages as well.  Great night, great food, great sunset.

Day #210 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 27, 2009

Kind of a quiet day in Marsh Harbour.  Cool (68) and breezy again.  Took a nice long walk this morning with Patti and Judy and ended up at a boat rental spot.  We decided to rent a center console boat for Saturday and the three couples will head over to Hope Town on Elbow Cay where they are holding the Volunteer Fireman’s Fundraiser.  Patti finagled a great deal and it is supposed to be a great weather day.

What a great name for a beautiful oceanfront home!

Came back to the boat and did a couple loads of laundry.  We had arranged to walk over To Abaco Beach Club and meet Jim and Joan Elliott on Christine.  They have a great 40′ Pilgrim trawler and we enjoyed our time with them and appreciated their hospitality.  They are in charge of reservations for the Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club Pirate’s Ball and they talked us into attending.  It is not until March 10, which is just before we will leave Marsh Harbour Marina for other destinations yet unknown.  We had lunch at Anglers waterfront restaurant at their marina and then walked back to the boat.

Tonight was a big night at the Jib Room.  They had another fundraiser to benefit the Bahamanian Humane Society .  It consisted of poker, black jack, bingo, etc.    They provided the appetizers and cash bar, lots of fun and well attended.

Day #209 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 25, 2009

Another sunny, cool day in Marsh Harbour.  High expected today of 68.  It is supposed to warm up as the week goes on and be in the 70s.  No complaints…the sun is shining and we are on the water.

Took an hour walk this morning with Patti and Judy.  Nice to be back among the walkers after being down for three weeks with the sprained ankle.  We leave each morning after listening to Cruiser’s net on channel 68 on the marine radio.  They give the local weather, tides, events, etc. each morning.  For some people who are “live aboards” down here for the winter, that is the only communication venue they have.

Each morning the walking groups in the area walk along the shore road, to the end, touch the pelican’s nose, turn around and head back.  It is a sight to see and a very unique tradition.

Boat chores today.  Took another walk with Patti this afternoon to the Fish Store and Docks.  A few sights we saw along the way.

Looks like a hurricane took the house and left only the pool.  The property sits atop a hill and has a beautiful view over Marsh Harbour.

Never knew this would be a worry in The Bahamas!

Glad to report Brad (who has been down for the count for three days with a cold) is back among the living.  Tonight is Rib Night again at the Jib Room.  We gathered on Salvage Crew at 5:00 and then headed for dinner with Salvages, Lynches and Dwyers.

Andy, yes, he made it.  Another day spent in paradise!

Day #208 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 24, 2009

Woke up this morning and it was 69 degrees.  That was the high for the day, the winds had picked up and the temp settled in at about 67, but sunny.  Andy and I took the dinghy across the harbor and he finally was able to get his hair cut.  We walked around town and snapped a few “local” places that show a little of the local flavor.

Day #207 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 23, 2009

A little cooler today although still warm.  Went for a nice walk with Patti in the morning and ran into several other people we knew out walking.  When I returned Andy put the dinghy in the water as he had decided that today was the day to get his haircut.  Parked the dinghy and walked to where we thought the hair salon was.  Found it and the sign on the street said “Open for business Monday through Saturday.”  Got up to the door and it said “Open for business Tuesday through Saturday.”  You’re in the islands, mon.  We will attempt again tomorrow.

After that we walked to the grocery store and ran into a couple more people we know.  Guess if you are here long enough, since the place is so small, you will start to feel at home.  The store shelves were practically empty.  We found out later that Monday is delivery day and Tuesday is the day to shop.  Made a mental note of that…just hope we can remember.  On our way back to the boat we ran into Joe and Judy on their moped.  They had discovered a shop that sells beverages only.  We went in and the prices were much better and later that afternoon our pop, beer and wine were delivered to the boat…free of charge.  You’re in the islands, mon.

When we got back to the boat we had a surprise visit from Frank Sarver.  He and Bea offered to pick us up at 1:30 and take us on a driving tour.  When we did, they drove us all around the immediate area around Marsh Harbour that we never would have seen on foot.  Since they have been coming down here for 17 years they know the local area very well.

They drove us to the church where they live.  It is very sparse and their room is located right in the church. They share the bathrooms and kitchen with the church people and seem quite happy doing it.  Only last year did they install a stove in the kitchen.  The cost was $1,000.

They showed us a bee hive that has been there for several years and they can’t get anyone to come and take it away.  Being that they are honey bees, we were surprise that no one wanted it.

Behind their little church a new meeting center is being built.  They explained that it has been under construction for several years.  They build when the church has a little extra money and then do nothing again until they have money again.  They are trying to teach their very poor congregation about the concept of community service as it is nonexistent in this culture.  Someone had donated this beautiful cabinet for their room when the new building is completed.

The are is quite depressed and sparse.  They drove us to the airport where they showed us the new tarmack they have built, only one problem, they ran out of money to connect it to the airport so for now, it has never been used.

A very enjoyable day and we appreciated their time and local knowledge.

Day #206 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 22, 2009

Many, many thanks to talented, dedicated son Ryan for getting my blog back in running order.  He donated many hours out of his BUSY schedule to help me out.

Today I uploaded the last week, from Day#200 – #205 and we are now up-to-date.

Another quiet day as high winds were expected that never materialized thankfully, nor did the rain they predicted.  Guess it ducked around us. Sunny and 74 today.

Joe and Judy Lynch on Night  Star arrived today from Green Turtle.  We had last seen them in West End and are glad they are here now.

The highlight of the day was when the “Lobster Man” arrived on the docks.  Patti and I each purchased a dozen lobsters for $3.25 each.  He said it is nearing the end of the lobster season, however he still has fresh grouper, conch and snapper.

Patti is coming over to grill out and and watch the Academy Awards tonight.  Sadly, Brad is under the weather with a cold and staying low and away tonight.  He will be missed.

Day #205 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 21, 2009

Took a nice dinghy ride today.  The winds had calmed a bit and we decided to venture out.  First we went across the harbor and did a little tourist shopping in the small shops.  Came out empty handed but enjoyed it.  Next we decided to take our viewing buckets and go out to the flats area of Marsh Harbour.  Andy made the viewing busket by taking a five gallon bucket, cutting the bottom out and replacing it with a round of glass.  You place it into the water and it is like seeing though an underwater camera.  We saw starfish and rays.

In the evening we went up to the Jib Room for Steak Night again.  Food was delicious and enjoyed every bite…again.  After dinner we called a cab and went into Marsh Harbour for the annual Junkanoo Festival.  Junkanoo is held twice a year and it is a parade like atmosphere showcasing local dancers, costumes, music, floats and local food.  You can learn more at

We ran into Pat and Patricia Dwyer and they invited us back to their boat at Conch Inn.  They have a beautiful 40′ Pilgrim and we enjoyed ending our evening aboard with more new friends.

Day #204 – Marsh Harbour, Abaco

February 20, 2009

We rented a car for the day and drove quite a distance around Great Abaco.  We visited Little Harbor and the legendary Pete’s Pub and Gallery.  It is located about 20 miles from Marsh Harbour and a pretty drive.  It is very isolated and way off the road.

We found our way there keeping in mind that in this country it is left hand drive even though the care had left wheel steering.  They tried to eleviate the problem by placing larger red letter on the rearview mirror with an arrow pointing left saying “Keep Left.”

Pete’s Pub sits right in the little harbour and also has an art gallery and foundry.  The restaurant hangs tshirts all over the ceiling and walls.

We met an American from Michigan named Larry who showed us around the area on foot.  We hiked up to a deserted lighthouse with an exceptional view which looks out over the ocean.  They even had people surfing there.

After a delicious cheeseburger lunch we got back in the car and drove another 30 miles to Sandy Point.  Not much there to speak of.  We happened to be on the dock when conch fishermen came in from their day of fishing.  From the photo it looks as though they were quite successful.

It was a beautiful day with Patti and Brad and a great experience to see the island.  Today was sunny, breezy and high in the low 70s.

Day #203 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 19, 2009

Had a quiet day here today. Bright and sunny but too windy to go anywhere.  Didn’t mind and spent the day getting a few things done around the boat and cooked dinner for Patti and Brad and their friends from Birmingham.  Had a fun night and hate to see them leave as we have really enjoyed their company.

A local legend around these parts is this lady.  She appears everywhere you go and is quite proud of her appearance.  Someone said she has had ribs removed to achieve this look.  Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!