Archive for August, 2008

Days #26-#32 – August 26-September 1 – Pentwater, MI

August 26, 2008

Thanks for following along on our travels.  We are currently in Pentwater, MI and loving it.  The weather continues to be amazing and we are grateful for it every day. 

Through the Labor Day weekend we are going to be enjoying our time with Brian, Chris, McKenzie and Ian Sarver at their cottage.  We look forward to Ryan, Scott and Devon arriving here to join us on Thursday.  We will spend time at the cottage, the beach and on the boat.  Because we are not on the boat exclusively and will be without internet, etc. the blog will not be updated daily as it has been.  We will fill you in on the “haps” of the week when we return on September 2nd.  Have a great holiday.

Hope you will follow as again soon.

Andy and Mary

Day #25 – Pentwater, MI

August 25, 2008

We are headed down to Snug Harbor in Pentwater for a week today.  McKenzie and Ian are going to get here at 9:30 and be our crew for the trip.  Quiet without John and Karen here this morning, we miss them. Sure look forward to the boys and Devon arriving on Thursday.  A family week in Pentwater.

Filling up with fuel here in Ludington before we shove off.  The current price here is $4.07 a gallon. Still seems high, but beats the $4.61 we paid at our marina before we left. Hope the trend continues downward.

Day #24 – Ludington, MI

August 24, 2008

Wanted to share the photo of the “Pentwater Ladies” taken on the beach last night.  Notice the recurring theme…sunshine, sand, friends, wine!  Ahhhh, what a trip.

Very sad day on “Good News” as John and Karen are packing to leave.  We have had an amazing time and still haven’t heard all of John’s jokes, well at least not more than twice.  Couldn’t have asked for better friends, better boaters and better memories.  We sure will miss them.

Look froward to our week in Pentwater with the Sarver’s and the kids arriving on Thursday. More memories.

Day #23 – Ludington, MI

August 23, 2008

A windy night in Ludington. The ferry came and went and announced their arrival/departure each time by blowing their horns.  Another windy day expected here today.  50% chance of showers.  We’ll see how long our weather luck can hold out!  Last full day with John and Karen onboard…sad.

Brian, Chris, McKenzie, Ian and John, Lori and Matthew Fricke joined us onboard after the rain stopped.  We walked uptown and had lunch.  It was a rough meal as they took almost two hours to serve us.  Walked around town again and came back to the boat.  The gang left and Jack Bennett from Bham came down the dock for a visit.  When we left he gave us a huge bag of freshly caught salmon.

Went over to Brian and Chris’ for dinner and sunset bonfire. Had a wonderful time and Mother Nature certainly cooperated and provided us with an amazing sunset over Lake Michigan.  Fun was had by all!

Day #22 – Ludington, MI

August 22, 2008

Woke to busy fishermen leaving for the tournament about 5:30. The Captain decided it was time to make the run to Ludington because of impending rain and storms on Saturday.  Left Frankfort about 7:30 in the drizzle and are heading to Ludington a day early.  Storms around us but the water is flatter than expected.  Can’t believe we are beginning week #4 already.

Arrived in Ludington in about 4.5 hours.  Seems we were able to duck under the storms all of the way.  It is quite windy.  Staying at Harbor View Marina.  Lovely facilities here…they have a pool, hot tub, great room with two fireplaces, library, etc. Short walk to town which Karen and I did after we arrived.  The usual shops and found a grocery store to pick up dinner to grill.  Walked into town after dinner.  Beautiful night but it is still windy!


Day #21 – Frankfort, MI

August 21, 2008

Woke to a little cloudiness but it lifted quickly.  Had a great run to Frankfort, about 38 miles, just under four hours and arrived about 1:00.  A great spot called Jacobsons Marina in Betsie Lake. Beautiful sand dunes and lots of big boats.

Karen and I walked into town and toured the usual T-shirt shops, art galleries, etc.  The fellas washed the boat and Karen and I did laundry at the marina…a catch-up day. 

Went into town and ate at a restaurant named Tali which was fair.  Came back to the boat.  No sunset, too cloudy. 

The marina was crazy as it is “Benzie Frenzie”…a slamon fishing tournament.  We watched boats go out all night like a parade.  Happy fishermen and fisherladies!  Went to bed and a HUGE storm in the night. Sounded like someone dumped an enormous bucket of water on the boat.

Day #20 – Leland, MI

August 20, 2008

Woke to another amazing sunrise in Northport after a calm, quiet night in the harbor.  Headed to Leland this morning, also known as Fishtown.

Traveled to Leland on very calm waters in a little under three hours.  What a great little town.  Walked in and strolled for most of the afternoon.  Went to Carlson’s Fish Market and got some smoked whitefish pate to freeze.  Yummy.

John and Karen’s friends, Laurie and Mark, joined us for dinner at The Cove. Came back to the boat and watched an AMAZING sunset. The best one we have seen yet.  Slept well and are ready for another day.

Day #19 – Northport, MI

August 19, 2008

Left beautiful Traverse City about 9:30 this morning. Will miss being there and really enjoyed our time there.  Tried to pull into Suttons Bay but the slip was too small and too low so we turned around and headed straight to Northport.  Beautiful ride.  Took us a little over 3 hours and is great to be here again.  Walked into town and it is sad to see that the town has died a little bit.  Woody’s, where we used to frequent for years, is closed and in sad repair. One of the store keepers told us they are in a Renaissance period and coming back.  Woody’s is scheduled to be torn down.  A little sad as we have great memories with friends and when the kids were little.  Karen and I went shopping and I bought a cute little sweater.  More memories in the making.  Quiet and calm…nice day.

Day #18 – Traverse City, MI

August 18, 2008

Had an interesting evening and overnight.  Went for a moonlight dinghy ride and it was beautiful with the full moon.  Police were further down the dock and had people they were questioning.  Guests arrived late on the CV9 and Coast Guard helicopters buzzed overhead for some time at about 4:30 am.  The morning news said that someone tried to steal a boat on the beach next door.  They couldn’t get it started and got out to push.  One never made it back.  That’s all we know.

Our last day in Traverse City.  We rented a car and drove all over again.  Spent most of the time on Old Mission Peninsula.  Stopped at The Boathouse for lunch.  Great day to sit and dine and watch the bay.  Went from there to Bowers Harbor Vineyards, then Chanteau Chantal and finally Grand Traverse Winery. All were crowded but we did our share of wine tasting and purchasing.  Great day with good friends.


Day #17 – Traverse City, MI

August 17, 2008

Another fantastic day in TC.  Karen and I went for an hour walk and it was beautiful along the shore and through town.  Came back and the fellas were cleaning the boat AGAIN!  We aren’t sure how much  the fiberglass will last.  All got in the dinghy and rode over to Scott’s Harbor Grill for lunch.  Fantastic meal and we all enjoyed ours.  Rode back to the boat and got a little wet.  Had a relaxing afternoon on and off the boat and enjoying town.  Cooked dinner, John did the dishes again and we walked into town.  Beautiful sunset and full moon.  Wonderful, wonderful!