Posts Tagged ‘Parry Sound’

Day #366 – Parry Sound, ON

August 1, 2009

Our farewell dinner at the Snider’s was a lovely evening.  After dinner we sat on Salvage Crew and watched the sunset.

Bright and early this morning Bob and Charlotte were on the dock with baked goods, a farewell and to throw off our dock lines.

So sorry to leave Delasco Island.  We told them it was lucky for them that the day was great for cruising or we might never have left.

I have been trying to get a picture of an inukshuk for several days.  Originally they were built by the Indians and used as markers to show the way through a channel.  Now, many are built as decorations on points of land, however still quite entertaining.

The scenery is breathtaking today as we travel the small craft channel through the area known as 30,000 Islands.

It is aptly named as the passages are narrow and twisting, and has a designated depth of six feet.  The channel runs from Port Severn to Killarney and is 168.5 miles long.

We had hoped to stop at the locally famous Henry’s Fish Restaurant for their claim to fame Great Lakes fish dinner.  It has been named one of Saveur magazine’s 100 favorite places, people and things in the world of food and drink.  Although it was only 9:30 as we approached, we called anyway for a dock.  They told us they didn’t open until 11:00 so we made a team decision to keep going.  Guess we’ll never know.

We had to time our arrival at the Parry Sound Swing Bridge accordingly as they only open for passage on the hour and we could not clear their 18 foot height when closed.  The Captain timed it perfectly.

Our final destination was Parry Sound which was 40 miles from Delasco Island.  I spent time as a child not far from here on Crane Lake.  We look forward to exploring the area.  It was a beautiful ride and an enjoyable day.

We walked uptown and decided that our restaurant of choice for tonight would be Bay Street Cafe.  Looks like a good menu and nice atmosphere.  More of Parry Sound tomorrow.