Posts Tagged ‘Orillia’

Day #360 – Orillia, ON

July 26, 2009

Last night we had a nice visit and dinner aboard Good News with Salvage Crew and Hank and Anne from Queen Anne’s Revenge.  We have heard their names and the name of their boat many times this year, but had never had the pleasure of meeting them.  We had a great time.

Today is catch up day.  We have been pushing pretty hard for the last week and needed a down day and time to do some laundry, cooking, etc.

Bright and early this morning Andy and I walked to the local laundromat.  You just never know who you are going to run into in these places.

We finished that up and went back to the boat and put it all away.  Then we walked up to the local grocery store for a few items.

Most of the Canadian grocery stores have extensive bakeries in them.  We had never seen this before…a self-serve bread slicer.  You could even select how thick or thin you wanted yours sliced.

We got the things we needed which included cases of water and pop.  Sooooo, we “borrowed” a grocery cart from the store and stopped by the LCBO while we had a chance.  After our purchases were made we walked back to the boat.

Don’t worry, we returned the cart.

Orillia is nice little waterfront town with bike paths, parks and beaches lining the shore.

This iron flag sits on the shore near the marina.  Another show of the Canadians pride in their country, even the sea gulls like it.

The afternoon was spent aboard as we were treated to a storm with wind, lightening, thunder and heavy rain.  The temperature dropped 16 degrees.  We keep wondering when summer starts in Canada?!?!

We wish we could stay tomorrow.  Not only was it a free night of dockage (buy 2-get 1 free), but another quiet day would have been appreciated.  However, if we want to make it to the Looper Rendezvous we need to head out in the morning and get closer to arrive on Tuesday.