Posts Tagged ‘Manasquan’

Day #329 – Manasquan, NJ

June 25, 2009

Cape May to Manasquan…Take Two.  We pulled away from the docks again this morning at 6:00 with Salvage Crew.  Their repairs are complete and we will try this again.

The morning began a little rough. As you can see in the picture below the inlet was rough and traffic was fairly heavy.  The current is always very strong in these areas as the water rushes in and out from the ocean.

About four hours after we left we passed Atlantic City.  This is the view, this time from the ocean side.

The seas for the first two hours were quite rough and we were glad everything was securely tied down.  After that the seas flattened right out and it was as smooth and uneventful as one can wish for when you travel 100 miles out in the ocean.

We were pleasantly surprised by the New Jersey shoreline.  It just stretches on and on.  It is nice to see people using their beach and enjoying the ocean.

Another surprise was the abundance of mylar balloons.  We must have seen at least thirty along the way on our 100 mile trip.  I guess what goes up must come down and around here they land in the ocean.  It is really a shame as we have all seen pictures of what damage they can do to our sea life. I don’t think I will ever buy one again after seeing that.

We arrived at our destination, Manasquan, NJ, about 4:00. The tides and currents were unbelievable.  This is a picture of Salvage Crew entering the inlet.  The boat traffic was busy and the waters were churning.

The beaches are busy in this area.

It now appears that we have left the crabbers and are seeing lobstermen.

We will be staying for the night at Brielle Marine Basin. It was extremely tough backing into our slip as the tides and currents running through here are really strong.  Andy did another masterful job and we are tied up securely.

We are pleased to have that leg behind us.  Hopefully it will be clear sailing into New York City tomorrow.

A nice dinner out at the Sand Bar after a long, but wonderful, day on the water.