Posts Tagged ‘Jamestown’

Day #302 & #303 – Williamsburg, VA

May 30, 2009

We are back on the boat after two wonderful days with Linda and Grant Fenwick.  They have built an absolutely beautiful home in Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg.

They planned, designed and decorated their home completely on their own.  What a great job and we were so glad to finally see the house knowing all of the hard work they had put into it.

They are the consummate hosts and entertainers.  They made a beautiful dinner in their home on Friday night and we enjoyed catching up.  Unfortunately, Grant had a golf engagement on Friday and Saturday, but we dragged Andy along with us.

First stop…haircuts.  Andy dropped Linda and I off at Bubbles for our beautification while he went to Grant’s barber.

Here is the before

and here is the after…we sure felt better.

Linda was a great travel guide and took us to Regatta’s for lunch at Kingsmill Resort.  Great nautical atmosphere and terrific food.  After that, she drove us all around to acquaint us with the area and eventually we ended up in Colonial Williamsburg.

We walked and enjoyed the gardens and some of the historic buildings.  Below is Chowning’s Restaurant where I went with my family when I last visited here.  I was 10 years old.  Amazing it is still standing.

I meant that it was built in 1766.

This is the Governor’s Palace

the Capitol

and the Williamsburg Inn.  Queen Elizabeth stayed here a couple of years ago.

We ended the tour and went back and crashed for a bit.  When Grant came home we sat on their beautiful screened porch and later went to Green Leafe for dinner. A great day with great friends.

On Saturday Linda carted us around some more and took us to Jamestown.  Then we ran the remaining errands we had and back to their house for lunch.  Grant returned and they drove us back to the boat to get organized.

It was hard to day good bye as we don’t know exactly when we will see them again.  All we know is that we will and we didn’t realize how much we missed their company.  Thank you Linda and Grant for opening your home to us and for a wonderful couple of days.