Posts Tagged ‘Delaware Bay’

Day #323 – Cape May, NJ

June 19, 2009

We left Chesapeake City this morning at 6:20 hoping to travel with the tides and currents.  Since the sun comes up about 5:30, visibility was great. Below is a picture of Salvage Crew pulling out of port.  I guess we aren’t the only crazy boaters as two sailboats passed going the other way.

We traveled a few more miles on the C&D Canal and then entered Delaware Bay.  If you look at the map in the bottom right corner, you will see Cape May, today’s destination.  Delaware is off our starboard and New Jersey is off the port.

The Bay can be very rough, but Captain Andy did his research and the day was perfect.  Waves were less than two feet and there were small swells.  The distance from port to port was 74 miles.

We passed the Salem Nuclear Power Plant on the Delaware River.  It is a two unit system being built in 1977 and 1981. In the 1990s, the Salem reactors were shut down for two years because of maintenance problems. Actor Bruce Willis worked at Salem Nuclear Power Plant as a security guard before pursuing acting.

The Ship John Shoal Lighthouse marks the north side of the ship channel in Delaware Bayis made of cast iron. The Ship John Shoal took its name from an incident in 1797 in which the John, captained by a Robert Folger, ran aground while on the way from Hamburg, Germany to Philadelphia. Passengers and cargo were unloaded safely, but the vessel was lost.

The shoreline begins to be lined with beautiful homes.

The channel from the Bay is busy with dredging equipment, ferries and pleasure craft.

The no-see-ums are biting and the flies are huge.

We arrived at Utsch’s Marina in Cape May about 2:00.

We decided to take on fuel before our next leg which will take us out into the Atlantic Ocean.  Their price today was $2.37 per gallon.  It’s going up again, but still much better than when we left last August.

We hoisted the bikes down and spent the afternoon exploring.  Stay tuned for more on that tomorrow.