Posts Tagged ‘Coast Guard’

Day #328 – Cape May, NJ

June 24, 2009

Last night we were pleased to have Susan and John Hague stop by for a visit.

We had met them in Ft. Pierce and they live about an hour from Cape May.  It was great to see them and spend time together again.

This morning we cast off our lines at 6:00 am and headed out to Manasquan.

It started out as a great day on the water.  There were rollers but they were only about two feet and not uncomfortable.   About an hour into the trip Brad radioed us that they were taking on water.  They had about a foot of water in their bilge and their alarm had gone off.  Their bilge pump was not working.  No sooner had they radioed us than the Coast Guard was hailing us to give our exact location, asking the number of people on board, what kind of boat they were on, did they look like they were sinking, etc.  They dispatched a boat from the Cape May station and they arrived about ten minutes later.  I am constantly amazed at their professionalism.  They asked for permission to board Salvage Crew and one of the YOUNG men climbed aboard.

By now their starboard engine was really smoking and they had to shut it down and run on just the port engine.  The Coast Guard asked permission to bring their high volume pump aboard.  They did, but apparently they had a leak in the fuel line and it wouldn’t work.  So, back to basics and the Tupperware bowls came in handy.

Salvage Crew led the way with the Coast Guard following them and Good News behind them.

Brad and Patti skillfully maneuvered the boat back into the marina on one engine.  It is a somewhat tough approach even with two engines, but they did beautifully.

So, welcome safely back to Utsch’s Marina.

Safely in the lift we all breathed a sigh of relief.

These three young men were extremely professional and courteous.  They certainly make their country and its citizens proud.

They pulled out and went back to their base across the harbor.  Just another day at the office.  The Cape May Coast Guard station is where all recruits do their basic training.

This flag flies at the parasail outfit right in front of our boat.  It seems to sum up the day fairly well…