Archive for February, 2009

Day #202 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 18, 2009

It’s a little cooler today but still bright and sunny, high 68.  Spent the morning doing a few chores and laundry. After lunch we decided to venture out on foot toward town along the shreline.  The roads are very narrow and winding.  The cars go fast and tend to drift toward the middle of the road.  A little unnerving as you walk on the edge.  You have to remember that they drive on the other side of the road here.  Some vehicles have left hand drive, some have right.

Tonight is “Rib Night” here at the Jib Room.  That must mean we have been here one week as Wednesdays are Rib Night and we went our first night here.  Time continues to fly by in paradise.

#1 Chef Marvin

Day #201 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 17, 2009

Did a little cooking this morning as Patti and I are having a lobster dinner for their friends who are visiting.  They have been kind and generous and taken us around in their boat so we thought we would pay them back.  Rode the dinghy over to the other side of the harbor to the grocery store.  Bought the ingredients to make Thai pasta salad.  Came back and lookd at my receipt and they had charged me $11.05 for a red pepper.  Back we went and it actually was $3.85, still a bit high for a red pepper, but better.

Got a couple other things we needed in town and wandered into the Chemist Store.  Here’s a picture of a few hair products we might not find at home.

Andy finished his jigsaw puzzle he had started on the one rainy day we have had in quite some time.  He had received it as a birthday gift from Bob and Charlotte aboard Foreign Exchange back in OCtober.

Another beautiful day here.  A little breezy, sunny and high only expected to be 68.  A cold fron has passed through and the locals think it is freezing.  Patti and Brad hosted a fantastic lobster dinner in their aft deck.  It was a beautiful night, great sunset and fantastic food…again.

Day #200 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 16, 2009

Woke up this morning and listened to Cruiser’s Net on the VHF Channel 68.  Every morning they report the weather on each key, the winds, the news, sports, etc.  Today they predicted winds shifting, picking up and temperatures dropping as a low front moves in for a couple of days.  We took the dinghies across the harbour and headed to the hardware and marine stores which were closed on Saturday.  The crossing was fairly calm and we tied up tot he dinghy dock.  We were pleasantly surprised by the hardware store.  Looked like a small Home Depot which I am sure brought comfort to Andy.  The chasier there noticed the name Sarver and mentioned there was a couple here on the island for two months each winter by the name of Sarver.  He made a few needed purchases and we went back to the grocery store.  Picked up some produce I needed ($6/lb. for a half shriveled red pepper) and headed back to the dinghies.  The ride back was much rougher as the winds had picked up even more.

Later in the afternoon I walked up to do laundry and there was a lady sitting at a picnic table outside the restaurant.  We made pleasantires and I went on about my business.  As I walked back she asked “you name isn’t Sarver by any chance is it?”  Turns out Bea and Frank Sarver came to the marina to find and meet us.  What a lovely couple they are. The have been coming here for seventeen years as missionaries for The Church of Christ.  The live in Morton, IL and come to Abaco every year for two months to volunteer and teach bible study in the local church.  They compared stories with Andy about other Sarvers in the country and some stories were in sync.  He mentioned that there are relatives in Glasgow, KY and Herrick, IL that he knows of.  He mentioned that Sarvers had settled in southern Germany in 1745 and at the battlesite of Valley Forge there is a monument to George Sarver.  Unfortunately, they made no direct relations but we truly enjoyed talking to them.  They even have a son named Scot.

Went to Snappa’s at the Conch Inn Marina. Went with the gang from Birmingham, AL and had a great time.  The ride was a little rough but quick and worth it as the food and company were great.  Note the sign above the bar. It stands for “If I Tell You Will You Buy the House a Drink.”

Day #199 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 15, 2009

I wanted to share our evening last night.  What a blast.  It was “Steak Night” at the Jib Room as I had mentioned.  Brad and Patti’s friends arrived from Birmingham, AL and they are great (Murray, Diane, Gary and Sarah).  Everyone dined and after dinner either participated in or watched the limbo competition.  A band played and the entertainment was great.

The winner is always a local named Desmond.  He is unbelievable and told me after the completion that the world record is 6 1/2″ and he has done 7 1/2″.  He says the secret to his success if four rum and cokes before he performs but NEVER beer.  It weighs him down.

Today we were lucky enough to be invited with our new friends from Birmingham, AL to ride on their center console boat over to Guana Key.  The weather started out a little rough, but the day got better and better as it went on.  We headed to Nipper’s on Guana for their Sunday Pig Roast.  Nipper’s is legendary in this area.  Hopefully the pictures will speak for themselves.


After we left there we walked to Grabber’s.  Another ocean front spot.  They had a huge beach with many chaise lounges.  We helped ourselves to eight of them and watched the surf and tried to relax.

I learned a new “southern” saying today.  You can get away with saying anything about anyone as long as you follow it up with “bless her heart.”  Example for us Northerners…”she has put on weight…bless her heart.”  That saying may come in quite handy, but sounds much more believable with a cute southern accent.

Day #198 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 14, 2009


Woke up this morning and collectively decided that it would be a perfect day to take the dinghies (instead of the ferry) to Man-O-War Cay for their annual festival.  Left our slip at 8:30 and were there by 9:00 and it was a great way to travel.  As you can see by the picture below of the starfish, the water was calm, clear and TURQUIOSE the entire way.

We pulled into the harbor and found the dinghy dock to tie up. 

Walked around for a bit.  They had a flea market, silent auction, food tents, crafts and crab races.

The island was charming with brightly painted houses, narrow streets and colorful people.  We wandered around and in and out of shops.  We have begun running into people we know from other ports we have stayed in.  Guess if you do this long enough, and meet enough people, that can happen.

On of the “main attractions” on the island is the Albury Boat Building facility and their sail shop.  They no longer make sails.  Now they make purses, canvas bags, placemats, etc.

Right out back a fisherman was cleaning conch, taking them from their beautiful shells and cleaning the meat right there.  It looks much better in salad and chowder.

We went to a great restaurant on the water for lunch.  It was called Dock and Dine, located at their marina.

We left about 1:00 and came back to our marina to drop off our big purchases and took the dinghies over to Marsh Harbour.  We discovered that most businesses are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.  Fortunately we found the grocery store and the liquor store open.  Andy bought a case of Corunna for $44.00.  That’s about twice what it is in the states, but still less than we paid in Canada.

As we left the dinghy dock Patti had a little fall getting into the dinghy.  For once it wasn’t me.  Fortuntaely she wasn’t hurt and laughed the entire time and even managed to do it quite gracefully.

We are going up to “The Jib Room” restaurant here at the marina for “Steak Night”.  If it’s as good as their “Rib Night” we are in for a treat.

Day #197 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 13, 2009

This post will be one like I haven’t written in some time.  Spent the morning doing boat chores in preparation for a day on the water in the dinghy, exploring the area again.  Got the chores done, Andy got the dinghy motor oil changed and put it in the water.  Guess the weather report was incorrect as it started to sprinkle and as I write this at 3:00, it is still sprinkling.  This is the first day I can remember in a long time that it has been overcast most of the day.

Weather is predicted to improve again tomorrow so we plan to dinghy to Man-o-War Cay for their annual festival.  Should be fun.

Heard some interesting information from a woman who is docked next to us.  Her husband works for “The” internet company down here and they have lived on their sailboat here for five years.  Since we arrived we have watched smoke and obviously something is burning in the distance.  We thought perhaps they were burning crops or something.  She said it is a forest fire and they have to just let then burn themselves out.  It is a completely volunteer fire department and they get no government funding for fire fighting.  Interesting local fact.  The picture below shows the smoke covering the sky.  Hopefully the rain will help extinguish it.

Day #196 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 12, 2009

This has truly been a day spent in paradise.  We had a captain’s meeting at 10:00 this morning with Brad and Patti to try and decide what side trips we wanted to take while we are here in Marsh Harbour.  It was decided that since today had calm winds coming from the south it would be a good day to dinghy over to Hope Town on Elbow Cay.  What a great decision it was.  We took off a little after 11:00 for the nine mile trip across the bay.  The seas were a little rough getting their but worth every bump.  It was about a 35 minute ride across the turquoise waters and shallow and clear enough to see the bottom the entire way.

We pulled up to a dinghy dock and decided to go find a spot for lunch.  Just as we pulled up a couple other dinghies did as well and it turned out we had all met them at the Rendezvous at Wheeler, Patsy and Tom Conrad and Patrick and Patricia Dwyer. 

They had four other friends with them and they recommended Hope Town Harbor Lodge Reef Bar and Grill.  While we were there, other boaters arrived that they knew, sixteen of us in all.  Great fun and I will let the pictures speak for themselves.  Truly paradise found!




After lunch we walked around Hope Town and headed back to the dinghies.  The four of us toured around the harbor a bit and then headed back across.  By the time we left Hope Town the seas has flattened out almost completely and it was like glass.  We stopped in a small harbor we had passed on the way there and it was amazing.  Hopefully the picture will show how clear the water is.  Starfish were everywhere and Patti got this picture.  They are FAST!

All in all a wonderful day.  We grilled the wahoo that the tournament fishermen gave Patti before we left West End.   Delicious!

A prefect end to a prefect day.  Oh, it was 80 and sunny today too.

Day #195 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 11, 2009

We left Abaco Beach Resort this morning about 9:30 headed for our new location into Marsh Harbour Marina. It was a ten mile trip and took about an hour.  The winds have calmed a bit and are coming more from a southerly direction which makes things more pleasant.  Only went down to 68 last night, high today was 76, sunny and a slight breeze. I guess this is more their normal weather this time of year, a little warmer than what we have been experiencing.


This beautiful home welcomes you as you enter the harbor.


This is our new “home” called Marsh Harbour Marina.  The builiding pictured houses “The Jibroom”.   It is  a popular restaurant in this area.  They serve dinner at their picnic tables on Wednesday and Saturday.  Being Wednesday, tonight is rib night. We are going with Brad and Patti and Woody and Ellen.  Saturday is “Steak Night” and we plan to give that a try as well.  They serve lunch Wednesdays through Saturdays.


If you have to do laundry, this is not a bad place to do it.  It is outdoors and they even decorate the area with flowers, etc.  I think we are really going to like it here and nice to be back with Patti and Brad again.


This marina is very friendly, low key and welcoming.  From this location we will be able to take the dinghy and visit town, restaurants and grocery locations.  Who knows, we might even throw in a little “Tourist shopping!”

Day #194 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 10, 2009

I’m glad to report that my ankle felt better this morning so we decided to go into town.  Took a cab as it is a few miles.  Went to the bakery, had lunch and then to the grocery store.  Guess there’s a food theme going here.


We looked for Bob Barker inside but he wasn’t there.

After errands we came back to the marina and did chores, laundry, etc.  Brad and Patti stopped by the boat as well as Ellen Sutton on Double S.  Nice visit.


After everyone left we walked down to the beach at the resort and then around the docks.  Here are a few of the pictures of boat names and sidewalk grafitti.


Plan to leave for Marsh Harbour Marina in the morning.  Winds are due to calm, come from the south and high 75, paradise.

Day #193 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

February 9, 2009

Left Green Turtle Cay as the tide was rising so we made it out just fine.  The seas were a little rough and the dreaded “pass around Whale Cay” (out into the ocean) was rough as expected.  It lasted less than an hour and we were back in the inner seas and a beautiful ride.  We passed several beautiful cays and finally arrived in Marsh Harbour, Ababco Beach Resort and Boat Harbor, in a little over 3 hours, 31.5 miles. 


It is a beautiful location and a fantastic resort.  After checking the place out and walking around a bit, we decided that the location was a bit too removed from town to have it work for us for a month.  With my still limited mobility we need to have better accessibility to conveniences.  We will stay here tonight and tomorrow and will be moving to Marsh Harbour Marina and Jibroom on Wednesday.

We tried to capture the beautiful full moon last night to no avail.  It truly was a fantastic site to see.  Sorry we couldn’t share it with you.