Archive for August, 2008

Day #16 – Traverse City, MI

August 16, 2008

Had a great morning and walked into the Farmers Market in TC with Karen.  Bought sunflowers and corn and came back to the boat.  The fellas decided to walk into town with us.  We did exciting things like going to the bank, etc. and then to a new Cuban restaurant which was very good.

After lunch we split and the fellas came back to the boat while Karen and I shopped.  She bought a pashmina and I bought a sweater, but it’s going back.  When Karen and I arrived back to the boat Jim Batsakis was here visiting.  It has been a long time since we have seen each other. Great to catch up after so long.

Grilled steaks on the boat for dinner and had our fresh porduce from the market.  A great day and fun time together.

Day #15 – Traverse City, MI

August 15, 2008

ANOTHER beautiful morning.  A little rough in the marina last night as the winds are coming out of the north and made for some good wave action here. 

Ran a few more errands before we returned the rental car.  They drove us back to the boat and we spent a good part of this beautiful day cleaning the boat inside and out.  We should be good for some time in anticipation of John and Karen Barney’s arrival tonight.

Worked with the travel calendar and called marinas to make reservations for the coming week.  Surprisingly, many don’t take reservations but all say to call the day of arrival and they will let you know what they have available.  Decided to stay in Traverse City through Monday.  The weather is beautiful and it is such a great location, so walkable to town with so much to do.  Arranged to rent a car again on Monday as John and Karen haven’t been to the area for a long time and we will do the tour.  Perhaps the tour will include a few of the wineries that have opened on Old Mission Peninsula.

In the evening Pam, Tutti and her fiance Jerry arrived on the boat. We had a beautiful evening just talking and catching up.  John and Karen arrived about 10:00 after a long ride up.  Typical Friday traffic headed north on I-75.  Watched a pretty sunset and and the fantastic full moon rise. Another banner day along our adventure.

Day #14 – Traverse City, MI

August 14, 2008

ANOTHER beautiful day here.  Sunny and 58/78.

For those of you wondering what to do on your next family vacation…we thought we would offer this suggestion.  This boat is currently in Traverse City. It is named CV9 and you can charter it for $85,000-$98,000 per week plus the cost of fuel.  Just a suggestion. You can find out more at

We rented a car for the day and ran errands, etc.  Bill called and he and Pam bought us lunch at a new restaurant in town, The Blue Tractor.  Great food and atmospere located in the old Dill’s Saloon.

Cooked dinner onboard and then got in the car and headed up Old Mission Peninsula.  Stopped at Ben and Ellen’s cottage and walked around. What a lovely place and you can tell Ellen has certainly worked her magic and the place looks great.  Brought back some wonderful memories of all of the time we spent up there. Continued our way up the peninsula and took a picture of The Boathouse (see photo above.)  Looks like they have certainly done some improvements and the place looks great.  Also watched the sun set over Marion Island.   Never tire of the that view.

Day #13 – Traverse City, MI

August 13, 2008

Starting to sound like a broken record,  ANOTHER beautiful sunrise in Elk Rapids.  We all know this perfect weather can’t last, but we are sure enjoying it while it does.  Predicted to be 75 and sunny again today.  I’ll have to remember to go back and read this blog when we get into dreary weather to remind myself how wonderful this was.

We are planning to head down to Traverse City today to begin our five day stay there.  Really looking forward to that.

Arrived in TC about 12:15 and walked uptown to the bank, etc.  Good to be back in town as we haven’t been here for some time after spending so much time in the past.  THe landscape has changed as the big power plant that was right on the waterfront is gone.  More greenspace and they have redone the marina and it is all very nice.

Invited our long time friends, Pam and Bill Hubbell over.  It was great to see them and we picked up where we left off and promised not to let so much time go in between visits.  Hope they will join us along our adventure.

Day # 12 – Elk Rapids, MI

August 12, 2008

Woke to ANOTHER beautiful morning in Charlevoix.  They called and have a slip available in Elk Rapids.  Left Charlevoix at 9:30 and entered the channel under the bridge.  Photographed the “Toad Houses” on Round Lake before we left.

Beautiful ride to Elk Rapids, 32 miles, 3.25 hours.  Pulled into the slip at their beautiful marina and headed into town.  A couple of antique shops and knick knack stores and we were back at the boat.  Someone we met in Mackinac recommened a cajun restaurant here called Pearl’s.  Andy checked at the marina office and they will send a shuttle for us when we are ready.  Guess dinner plans are made.

Wanted you all to know that my EarthBox filled with herbs is alive and well.  Actually use them quite often and it certainly is a good conversation piece.  Headed to Traverse City in the morning.



Day #11 – Charlevoix, MI

August 11, 2008

Woke to another beautiful morning here in Charlevoix.  The sunrise was spectacular and weather forecast looks to be good all week long.  Sunny and highs in the 70s.  Couldn’t ask for more.  Winds have finally calmed down a bit too.

They moved us to another dock this morning and it is calmer and quieter now.  Two boats down is Cracker Bay (100+ feet long.)  Spent the day doing a few mundane chores such as laundry, etc.   Charlevoix has a beautiful new facility and they have washer/dryers, TV, internet, magazines, etc. which makes doing laundry a little more enjoyable.

Went into town for lunch.  Ate at Whitney’s and they lost our order twice.  Good thing we weren’t in a rush.  Went to the grocery store and fish market and came back to the boat.  Bob and Rhett came for a spaghetti supper and we had a beautiful evening.  Have really enjoyed our time in Charlevoix.


Day #10 – Charlevoix, MI

August 10, 2008

A little bit of a rough night on the anchor. The winds stayed strong all night and we swung around quite a but, but stayed put which was good.  Cloudy and cool (58) this morning and hoping to get the call that they have a slip for us in the marina.

Went blueberry picking in East Jordan with Bob and Debbie. Came away with four huge ziploc bags full and froze a few for later.  Finally got the call that they had a slip for us in the marina so gladly moved the boat. Still a little rough as the winds are still steadily high but much calmer in port.

Bob had us for a cookout at his home with his blueberry friend, Rhett.  Beautiful evening spent at his home in walking distance to downtown Charlevoix.  Plan to stay one more day here in Charlevoix and get caught up on a few mundane things like laundry, etc.

Day # 9 – Harbor Springs, MI

August 9, 2008

Woke up to our first cloudy morning.  It rained in the night and hoping it will clear a little later.  Decided to leave for Charlevoix and left about 11:00.

A rough crossing to Charlevoix as we were in 4-6 foot waves most of the way.  Fortunately it was only 16 miles and took less than 2 hours.  Arriving in this port is tricky (especially in the high winds) because you have to enter the channel and wait for the bridge to open on the half hour.  We only had to wait ten minutes.

Anchored out in Round Lake since the marina was full. It is art fair weekend and the town is packed.  Took the dinghy in and met up with Bob Costello, Rocky Ackerman, Debbie and Sharon.  Walked to the market and picked up dinner.  Came back to the boat and sat out for some time and then dined on brats and fresh corn.  Had a great afternoon/evening with old friends.  Fun was had by all.

Day # 8 – Harbor Springs, MI

August 8, 2008

A beautiful morning in Harbor Springs.  We are planning on spending the day here. Adriane deWindt, who has a home here, has volunteered to take me to the “big” grocery store in Petoskey this morning.  Time to restock the frig and she brought blueberries by yesterday that she had picked. I made blueberry muffins onboard today.

The weather is supposed to be great AGAIN today 59/76 and sunny.  We will spend part of the day exploring/shopping and then we have been invited to deWindt’s for dinner and the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.

Update…we HAD dinner at the deWindt’s home. She served a fantastic salmon dish that I would love to share with any/all of you and we had a wonderful evening.  Their home is right out of a magazine, set in the woods, view of the water, outdoor fireplace area…amazing.

We think we will stay here on Saturday as well and then head to Charlevoix on Sunday.  All is well here.

Day #7 – Harbor Springs, MI

August 7, 2008

Left Mackinac Island this morning about 7:10.  A little overcast and breezy when we left but it calmed down a bit when we turned and started heading south.  Heard a distress call on the marine radio and a trawler had spotted a sailboat in distress behind us.  They transferred the people off of the sailboat onto their boat and the sailboat had taken on four feet of water.  They were safe and headed to Harbor Springs so hope to hear more later.  Glad it turned out ok.

Arrived in Harbor Springs in 5.5 hours and got the last slip available.  Tied up and walked up town for a bit.  What a great little town.  More later.