Day #242 – West End, Bahamas…still

Yes, we are still at Old Bahama Bay waiting for our crossing window.  Tomorrow is the day.  Winds are predicted to be calm, seas 2-3 feet, winds 10-15 from the south.  Patience has paid off, hopefully.

Lisa, Patti and I took a long walk this morning and it was beautiful.  We will really miss the Bahamas and Old Bahama Bay has been great.  While we were walking I noticed something odd looking in the road ahead of us.  When we got closer it moved and moved quickly.  It turned out to be a blue crab.  A workman who was in the area told us what kind of crab it was and that is was unusual for him to be out of the water.

While we were talking to him he showed us a tomato plant growing in the middle of nowhere.  It was covered with tomatoes.

If you look at the surrounding area, it is amazing that ANYTHING can grow in this soil.  It is like gray dust, most likely coral.

The entire time we have been in the Bahamas we have been looking for sand dollars.  We have yet to find one but a friend of Patti and Brad’s who goes down there every year and dives for them gave her a few and she shared with me.  Lisa told us that you can tell a Bahamian sand dollar apart from others as the Bahamian have six slots instead of the usual five.

While walking around the marina we spotted a needle fish.

The marina is really filling up now that the weather has started to calm down and make the passage possible.  More than a dozen boats have pulled in today.  Many of the boats are quite impressive including  a Viking, Alaskan, Son Ship, Marlow, and several Nordhavens all 55 feet plus.

We had dinner tonight at Bonefish Folley’s with Brad and Patti, Jim and Lisa and Charlie and Linda as it is the last night we will be together here in the Bahamas.

Funny…no one ordered conch tonight!

Nice that a sunset appeared for us as well.

A beautiful end to a beautiful part of our journey…

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