Day #240 – West End, Bahamas

Another beautiful but windy day in West End.  We decided to take the day and go into Lucaya/Freeport.  The bus was supposed to pick us up at 9:00 and instead arrived at 10:00, it’s island time “mon.”  The bus is actually a 12 passanger van that is their public transportation.  They charge $7 per person and it takes you to Freeport where you get in another van and for $1.25 they drive you to Lucaya.  One hour later we arrived at our destination.

We walked around the marinas and the harbor for a bit.  Some LARGE boats in there but we all decided we definitely liked West End better.  A few of the sites of the area.

We had heard about a terrific Greek restaurant in town so went there for lunch and it did not disappoint.  It was very tasty and surprisingly reasonable.

We decided to try our luck at the casino again and I have to admit I am nothing if not consistent.  I was losing my big investment ($20) so made Andy try his luck.  He did a little better but ultimately we walked out $19.75 poorer than when we walked in one hour before.  I saved twent five cents so Andy couldn’t say I blew it all.

Later we walked to the ocean and they have a Sheraton and a Westin there.  This kite surfer was entertaining the crowd and he buzzed back and forth the entire time we were there, over an hour.

We stopped and listened to Mango, the local entertainer and he was quite good.

Back we headed to West End and Old Bahama Bay and quite glad to be back.  One of the boats in the marina showed us the dolphin they had caught.  They said it weighed about thirty pounds.  They took it in the cooler up to the restaurant and the chef cooked it for them.  Sadly, they didn’t offer to share.

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