Day #235 – Great Sale, Abacos

Happy Birthday today to Scott and Dianne.

Hope they have a wonderful day!

We left beautiful Green Turtle Club and Marina at 7:30.  The wind had picked up overnight and it was a bit bumpy.  Andy backed the boat out of the slip which wasn’t easy to do they way they had us situated.  The day started out a bit cloudy but cleared up and we had a beautiful ride to Great Sale Cay.  The trip was a little over 70 miles and 7 hours.  We pulled into the same anchorage as we did on our way over.  A nice protected harbor and glad to have made it.  I know the site of the turquoise water is nearing the end and we are enjoying every minute of it while it lasts.

We dropped anchor about 2:30, seventy miles and a little over seven hours.  There are six sailboats and Salvage Crew anchored with us.

A few tabulations thus far into the trip:
We have traveled an average of 16.10 miles per day
We have averaged 1.67 hours on the water per day
We have averaged 1.4 miles to the gallon
Total miles traveled to date is 3,896
and every day a new adventure!

Dinner aboard Good News tonight.  Patti made conch chowder while underway and they brought it over for dinner.  It was delicious and we were reminded that it was our last night in the Abacos.  Tomorrow we cross back over into the Bahamas.  We never dreamt that we would be here eight weeks which we will have been on Thursday.  Oh, what a great time we have had and how lucky we are to have been able to share it with our new friends.

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