Day #383 – Lexington, MI

We were up at day break and on the water at 6:15.

The breeze was calm and we decided to travel faster than we usually do, 17 miles per hour.  I know for some boaters that seems slow, however for fuel economy and comfort, we usually travel about 10 miles per hour.

Our first obstacle was the fishing nets.  It is similar to the crab pots we dodged in Florida and the Chesapeake, however, a net is strung between two buoys and it is difficult to tell which ones are attached to the other.

These markers are much smaller as well.  One was only a juice can.

More lighthouses line the far shore as we pass.

The seas increased to about three feet, which is what was predicted, so it was a bit of a rough ride until after we crossed the open waters of Saginaw Bay.  At 1:30 we reached Harbor Beach , 110 miles from Presque Isle, and we decided to keep going.  The waters had flattened out and we chose Lexington to be our destination for the night, 150 miles for the day.

At about 2:00 Andy noticed a catamaran off to our starboard that looked familiar.  We hailed Island Rhumb and sure enough, it was them.  We had last seen Darleen in West End, Bahamas and before she flew home, then we saw John in St. Augustine and Myrtle Beach among others.  Their home port is Monroe, Michigan.  How ironic to see them this many miles later.  Hopefully our paths will cross again.

Lexington was our first stop at the beginning of our trip and we were last here on August 1, 2008.  Oh, we look younger and more rested.

These guys were jumping off of the rocks at the entrance to the harbor.

There were lots of swans cruising around the harbor.   It looks like some of them were getting their dinner.

We were weary, but glad we had made the final push.  If all goes as planned, we should pull into our home port around noon tomorrow with only 64 miles to get there.  Weather looks good, so…here’s hoping.

5 Responses to “Day #383 – Lexington, MI”

  1. Barbara Says:

    Hi Mary & Andy:

    I feel sad that your trip is almost over and so I can imagine how you must feel. I will sure miss reading your adventures each day. I have followed you since sometime in late January (I believe) and have enjoyed so much your descriptions and photo’s. What a wonderful adventure you have enjoyed and you should feel so very blessed to have been able to do this!!
    Endings can be sad but look “forward” towards your next adventure in life and just think of all the wonderful memories you get to take with you!!

    Much Blessings to you both,

  2. Bill Hubbell Says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! This has been such a treat to see alot of the country thru your
    eyes. Pam and I have followed you along the
    journey and have enjoyed every minute.Thanks
    for allowing us to be a part of the trip in
    spirit!!!We look forward to catching up with
    you soon!! WELCOME HOME.

  3. Murray & Diane Beck Says:

    Mary & Andy,

    Congratulations on crossing your wake and completing the Great Loop. We know you are proud of your accomplishments and of the strength of your boat and your marriage!
    We were pleased to get to meet you and hope that you’ll come visit us on the Tennessee River.

    Smooth Sailing!
    Murray & Diane Beck

  4. Bruce Trost Says:

    Dear Andy and Mary,

    We are so sad that we don’t have your blog to look forward to every day! Mary, you did an outstanding job with this and we so enjoyed it! Congrats on a great and successful journey!

    We have a question and maybe a request… that we can start over and read your adventure from the beginning, is there a way to reverse your log so that we can read from the very beginning without clicking on a specific date?

    We so enjoyed it that it might be the best way to handle our withdrawal issues!!

    Thanks again for sharing this with us and super job, Captain and First Mate!


  5. Susan Payette Says:

    Hi Andy and Mary,

    I just wanted to mention how much I have enjoyed reading your blog especially as I had the chance to meet you both when we were docked at Oswego.

    I hope the blog will remain on-line, as it is a great reference source for those of us who have not yet made the great circle loop.

    I will look forward to reading about your next adventures…

    Susan and Dan
    “Delia Rosa”

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