Day #365 – Honey Harbour, ON (Delasco Island)

Last night Charlotte and Bob hosted a wonderful evening. They invited their neighbors, Marg and Finn, over and we sat on the deck overlooking the water and had cocktails.

Dinner was outstanding, the evening superb…good friends, good times.  It was nice to be together again.

After dinner we were treated to a colorful evening sky.

Today we woke to another beautiful Georgian Bay morning.  The air was crisp and clean and the sun was shining.   We all had coffee in our respective boats/cottage and then went up the hill to Charlotte and Bob’s deck for a planning meeting.

Back to the boats we came and packed up a picnic lunch.  Off we went in their new boat for a spectacular ride.  The water was blue, the sun was shining and the temperature was 75 degrees.  Bob drove us back to a beautiful cove where we anchored and had lunch.  I volunteered Andy to be “anchor guy.”

We passed the church that Bob and Charlotte attend.  It is non-denominational and you can only access it by boat.  Instead of having ushers they take turns taking the chairs out of the building and placing them on the rocks for the congregation.

The Snider’s are the most gracious of hosts, accommodating and welcoming.  However, I have to question some other Canadians as the area we went was called Go Home Bay, Go Home Lake and Go Home River.  Thank goodness we were with locals or we might have been offended.

The channels were narrow in places

and this passage opened up to an area with waterfalls.

Dinner tonight will be provided by Good News and Salvage Crew as a small way to try and thank the Snider’s for one of the highlights of our last 365 days.  What an honor to celebrate with two of the couples that we have spent the most time with on our trip.  We are blessed!

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