Day #344 – Sylvan Beach, NY

This was one of the nicer weather days we have had in a long time.  Not a cloud in the sky and 80 degrees.  Even each lockmaster commented on the weather. Each and every one along the way has been friendly and so proud to tell you about their area.

Today we traveled 53 miles and five locks.  Three of the locks took us up and the last two brought us down. Along the way we saw a couple of interesting boats.  This is one of the New York State tugs that works the canal.

This one rowed by.  The boat is registered in Ohio and we wondered where they had started and where they were planning on going.  They looked like a couple of college kids off on a summer adventure.  Ahhhh, youth!

This was our beautiful view most of the way.

Our destination for the day was Sylvan Beach and Mariner’s Landing Marina.  All of the marinas in this area are owned by the Oneida Indians.

It is located on the eastern shore of popular Oneida Lake.

Back in the 1950s Sylvan Beach was a “go-to” destination

and the amusement park still operates today.  We had to go check it out.

Some people even decided to ride these old rides.

It was a great little town and we were glad we had made it our destination.

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One Response to “Day #344 – Sylvan Beach, NY”

  1. Robby in Mobile Says:

    Just picked up your blog a few days ago and I’m enjoying following yall.We are a couple of years out from retirement and then we will Be loopers.When you went thru Wilson Damn in Alabama you were at our home.We live in Mobile now but grew up in NW Alabama.How much longer before yall finish?Nice blog,I like the fuel price pic as well.Bren and Robby Bendall.

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