Day #331 – New York City, NY

Last night we took the water taxi from the marina across the river to Jersey City, NJ for dinner.

Fortunately, we were inside the restaurant just as the storm hit.  We had a great time, but even more impressive was the cloud formation we were treated to on the way back.  This type of cloud is called mammatus.  We had never seen them before and they were amazing.

We sat on the flybridge of the boat after we got back and watched the city come alive at night.  What a site.

This morning we were back on the water taxi and headed across the Hudson River

for Lower Manhattan.  They drop you off in The Battery.  It was a perfect day for sightseeing as it was sunny, breezy and 82 degrees.

We stopped at the NYC Police Memorial.  It really took your breath away to see all of the names from September 11, 2001.

As we made our way to Battery Park there were neighborhood gardens everywhere as well as dog parks and playgrounds.  Local residents maintain little areas within each garden.

At Battery Park we started our double-decker bus tour of Lower Manhattan.  I will attempt to highlight some of the areas we saw.


Chrysler Building (with the spire)…

Central Park South…

Carnegie Hall…

Part of the Theater District…

Note what looks like little Academy Award statues lined up in the window…

Times Square…

Note the crystal ball that drops on New Year’s Eve…

New York City Post Office…

The Empire State Building…

Macy’s which happens to have 2.2 million square feet…

The Flat Iron Building…

New York Supreme Court Building where “Law and Order” is filmed…

The Seaport District…

The Brooklyn Bridge…

A walk up Wall Street…

And last but not least, the somber site of the World Trade Center…

By order of the Port Authority you were not allowed to take pictures above or below the fence and not between the gates.

It was extremely moving and we plan to return tomorrow and take the personally guided tour of the Visitor Center.

There are also just a few assorted pictures that I thought were worth sharing.

Second runner up…a bride and groom seated mid-day across from the New York Stock Exchange????

First runner up…a gentleman hangs from the hooks on this top of this building and paints a new sign every couple of months.

And the winner is…

A fellow boater was kind enough to take a picture of Good News cruising in front of the Statue of Liberty yesterday and email it to us…priceless.

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