Day #325 – Cape May, NJ

Happy Father’s Day to all!

We decided to take advantage of the non-boat-travel day and the rental car and drove to Atlantic City.  We all wanted to see the boardwalk and the casinos we had heard so much about.

Since it looks like we will be in Cape May a few more days, we will probably chose to bypass Atlantic City and go to Manasquan instead.  It will be a loooooong day, but we hope to make up a little time.

The Atlantic City boardwalk seems to be “Trump” City.  His presence is everywhere.

Trump’s Casino is absolutely beautiful inside and it is enormous.

We walked through and decided to come back after lunch.  We found a little spot along the boardwalk that served Greek food.  It was tiny, but the food was delicious.

The mode of transportation on the Boardwalk is “man-powered”.  They charge $5 for five blocks.  Patti noted that they had their “rain coats” on today.

We walked up and down the boardwalk.  There were so many sights and sounds.

This was the New Jersey Korean War Memorial.

They have an amusement park.

Some of the people were a little different.

After our tour we went back to the Trump casino to try our luck.  Andy was our “body guard” as the stakes were huge.  I played $20 and cashed out at $50.  That is the first time I have EVER won in a casino and I decided to take my winnings and run.

Brad and Patti were a little luckier.  Sorry Donald Trump, but we took YOUR money today.

Another thing we have noticed since we have been in this area.  Their sea gulls are different than ours.  They have black heads and are even more brazen than the ones we are used to seeing.  Looks like this one just finished his cigarette.

On our way back to our boat we drove around to look at their marinas since we wouldn’t be there by boat.  Trump charges $4 per foot and the place was nowhere near the boardwalk and we were glad to have seen Atlantic City the way we did.  A nice Father’s Day, although I would never have thought Andy would spend one in a casino.

He heard from both of his boys.

He had a well deserved Happy Father’s Day.

After a fabulous dinner of hot dogs and baked beans (nothing is too good for our Captains!) we were even treated to a great sunset.

Ahhh, life is good!

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