Day #324 – Cape May, NJ

When we woke up this morning the skies were clear although storms were predicted for later in the morning.  Andy and I got out and rode bikes to the marine store and the market.  As we were leaving the market the rain started lightly but there was lightening in the distance.  We barely made it back to the boat before the skies opened up.

Rain is expected most of the day so I guess it was a good decision to stay in Cape May for at least another day.  My guess is that we will be here several more days waiting for the right weather window.

Fortunately, yesterday after we arrived we got our bikes down and went exploring.  Cape May is a beautiful resort town on the Atlantic Ocean.  It was recognized as one of America’s top 10 beaches by the Travel Channel and has many Victorian structures as well as a rich history. Cape May is a seaside resort that draws visitors from all over the world and especially from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Our first stop was the town center where we were treated to a bagpiper performing outside of the church.

Their downtown shopping area is charming.

Even the shops are colorfully and beautifully decorated.

Cape May has been drawing vacationers since the mid 1700s and is recognized by the United States government as the country’s oldest seaside resort. It is noted for its large number of well-maintained Victorian houses — the second largest collection of Victorian-era homes in the nation after San Francisco. In 1976, the entire city of Cape May was officially designated a National Historic Landmark. It is the only city in the United States wholly designated as such. That designation is intended to ensure the architectural preservation of these buildings.

This is the historic Inn of Cape May.  It is beautiful, huge and 115 years old.

These magnificent homes line the street that looks right out onto the endless beaches on the Atlantic Ocean.

They just go on and on as far as the eye can see.  No wonder Cape May keeps vacationers coming back year after year.

Is there a better way to end a rain storm?!?

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One Response to “Day #324 – Cape May, NJ”

  1. Barbara (in Ohio) Says:


    I decided it was high time I wrote to tell you how much I enjoy your daily stories and pictures. Just wonderful!! I first came across your website last winter sometime and have followed your adventure since then. I have even recommended your site to others.

    What a wonderful adventure you two are on. When do you anticipate getting back home? And what ever will you do as a follow up to this great adventure??

    Best Wishes and Safe Travels,

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