Day #289 – Wrightsville Beach, NC

We left South Carolina and headed to North Carolina at 6:45 this morning.  Traveling on the ICW on a Saturday you always know you will run into lots of boat traffic.

The ICW is narrow in many spots and the markers are very close to the shoreline as well.

We had to time our arrival at the Sunset Pontoon Bridge correctly as they only open on the hour.  The bridge is actually set on pontoons and they use a cable to pull it around for boats to pass through.

Quite unique and another bridge it in the building stages to replace it.

Once you pass through it you are into North Carolina.  The scenery changed almost as soon as we entered. The evidence of sand dunes is everywhere.

In the distance you can see the houses that sit right on the ocean.  I am quite sure these are the ones we always see when hurricanes are in the area.  They are built on stilts and sit directly on the sand.

There are still many, many shrimp boats and apparently they come in all sizes.

This large passenger ship came up right behind us and from the picture you can see how close he passed.  We could not hail him on the radio and were not sure what his intentions were.  Finally he pulled away and went out into the ocean.

We passed a town named Southport, NC.  We made a mental note that if we ever pass this way again it looks like it might be a good stop.

There is evidence of development in this area everywhere.  Somehow this sign wouldn’t make you inquire about their new development… “luxury villas and boat slips.”

We have really had to pay close attention to the navigation today as we pass many, many inlets and channels.   Not only are there many other boats, but swimmers, jet skiers and fisherman as well.

Before we reached Wrightsville Beach, we passed many beautiful areas one of which being Pleasure Island.

Many of the ocean inlets we passed you could see people flying kites.  It must be a great pastime in North Carolina.

We arrived at Bridge Tender Marina in Wrightsville Beach seven hours and 71 miles after we left.

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