Day #264 – Daytona, FL

This photo was sent to me in an email and I wanted to share it.  This morning is a fresh, clean morning after our afternoon showers yesterday and this picture sort of says it all.

Last night we were treated to a beautiful sunset.  We haven’t really seen many sunsets since we left Key West, an unobstructed view looking west.  We really miss them.

Today we are awaiting the arrival of Bob and Deb on Headquarters.  We are finally in the same area again.  We cruised with them for some time coming down the rivers and into the west coast of Florida.  We saw them last in Ft. Meyers as we made our way to Key West for the holidays.  It will be great to see them again and catch up.

Chores are on the agenda today.  I will do cleaning, laundry and cooking (pink jobs).  Andy is doing a few repairs as well as polishing and waxing the starboard side of the boat (blue jobs).  He wanted to take advantage of  the floating docks and the position the boat was in.  Beautiful day to do just about anything…sunny, clear, low humidity and 83 degrees.

Also, he needed a hole saw and we are too far (3 miles) to walk to the nearest hardware store.  Several people on the dock offered tools, however none were the exact size he needed.  A handy man working on the docks, offered to take Andy to the hardware store on his lunch hour.  They have returned with part in hand.  It really restores your faith in humanity when people all pull together for total strangers.  You gotta love this boating community.

Andy doing something every captain fears…having to drill holes in his boat!

Bob and Deb arrived about 3:30.  Great to see them again and shared dinner and conversation aboard Good News just like old times.

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