Day #254 – Ft. Pierce, FL

This is a busy day at the Ft. Pierce City Marina. It began with a Farmer’s Market like none we have ever seen.  They sold the obvious, fruits and vegetables and flowers.

In addition another booth sold nothing but salsa and guacamole, another stone crab ($9.99/lb.), another seafood, etc.

There were many food venues and a different looking barbecue twist.  There was also a big craft show.

We bought produce, pulled pork and a bromeliad planted in a coconut shell.

The Hooked on Music Festival ran from 2:00 PM to 2:00 AM right at the marina.  There was music and food and great people watching.

This is the view off the bow of Good News.

Andy and I walked all over this cute little historic downtown Ft. Pierce.  The city is obviously trying to rejuvenate the area and it appears they are doing a good job of it.  By the way, the high here today is 90 degrees.

We have run into two others Looper couples.  We first saw Larry and Margie on Wanderin’ L & M and we had met them in Joliet, IL and Mickie and Doug on Bucket whom we met at Dog River.  Nice to see familiar faces again.

Tonight we walked back up to the music festival and took in the sights and sounds.  Ft. Pierce is a great little harbor town.  Sounding old, we were pleased when the music stopped shortly after 10:00 PM as our boat was two boats away from the grand stand…lots of bass!

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