Day #244 – North Palm Beach, FL

Well, we have come to a decision to end this trip and head home.  We have had enough and are selling the boat.  Haha, April Fool’s!

Today was certainly a day of reentry as we rented a car and were off and running ALL DAY.  First stop was immigration.  What a joke!  The building wasn’t marked well at all and then once we found the building, finding the office we needed to go to was even tougher.  High security I guess…no one can find it.  The bright spot was that we ran into Joe and Judy and their son Joey, from Night Star.  We last saw them in Marsh Harbour and always enjoy their company.  We were glad to meet Joey, we had heard so much about him.  They are staying at Old Port Cove Marina, just around the corner.  Also docked in their marina is Tiger Woods’ boat, Privacy.  It is 155′ long and beautiful.

From immigration we went to Burger King, yes we all craved fast food, Costco, West Marine, Boat Owners Warehouse, CVS and Walmart.

At that point Andy dropped all of us back at our boats and he went and ran more errands.  He came back with the car and Patti and I still had to go grocery shopping at Publix.  We hadn’t been to a “real” grocery store since January, although clearly, we haven’t starved.  Our grocery stores here truly make you appreciate our selections.

We came back and even though we were all exhausted, we still pulled off one more dinner with Patti and Brad.  It was our last night together for some time as they are leaving in the morning to start heading north to Jacksonville where they will leave their boat for a couple of weeks and head home to see family and friends.  They haven’t been home since they left in mid October.  What fun we have had with them over the last two months.  We have shared some great memories and truly feel we have met new lifetime friends.

Thanks for Patti for the pictures! I “borrowed” them from her website.

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