Day #230 – Great Guana Cay, Abacos

We actually got some rain late yesterday afternoon and evening.  They have been warning everyone about the fear of fires as it has been so long since they have had any rain here in the Abacos.  So, the locals were very happy.

Patti and I went for our usual walk this morning along the beach. You have to look closely, but the picture below show people sleeping on the deck in sleeping bags.  They are young boys who are a part of the Sea Scout program.  Hope they stayed dry last night.

Walked the beach again and never did find any of the elusive sand dollars.  Even the picture below proves they exist as they are hanging from a resident’s tree.

We left Treasure Cay this morning about 10:30 for Great Guana Cay, about 12 miles across the Sea of Abaco.  It is the first overcast day we have had in a long time and the temperature has dropped as it is only 71 degrees today.  The winds have increased with the low pressure and the crossing was a bit rough.   Fortunately it was a short trip.

We arrived at beautiful Orchid Bay about 11:30.  We went up and registered and went to their restaurant for lunch.  I had never had a lobster BLT before but it was very good.  After lunch we walked around the grounds and the docks.  There are a few large boats in here, but Argyll which is anchored outside the harbor tops them all.

The grounds are lovely and they have certainly devoted a lot of time to their flowers.   Even the humming birds love them.

We will stay here today and tomorrow and wait for the winds to calm down.  Internet is available, but you have to take your computer up to the office to use it.  So, I’m not sure how good our email and blog communication will be.

One Response to “Day #230 – Great Guana Cay, Abacos”

  1. Buck Leahy Says:

    Sounds like life is good in the islands, although really, don’t you just get really tired of having to eat so much fresh lobster? 🙂

    The wedding was Sunday, and having Bob Costello down for it was great! Will post the picture link as soon as our photographer puts it up for us.

    Very much looking forward to seeing the Captain and First Mate of the Good News when she’s in the neighborhood soon!

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