Day #229 – Treasure Cay, Abacos


Took an absolutely beautiful walk along the beach early this morning.  Low tide was at 7:40 so we went straight to the beach for shell collecting.  Still didn’t find any sand dollars, but a few shells here and there.  The weather and the scenery made up for the lack of sand dollars.  Fantastic!

Along the way we came across a small development that looked as though it had never been rebuilt after the hurricanes and it is right on the beach.

Curly tail lizards are plentiful here as shown below.

After doing laundry, etc. Patti and I walked into the grocery store to provision before we leave tomorrow.  You never know what the menu will be as tonight we were going to make meat loaf, but they were out of ground beef which has usually been fairly easy to find.  Oh well, pork chops will have to do as they looked good today.  We pushed the carts all the way back to the marina and unloaded there.

We have really enjoyed Treasure Cay but will be leaving tomorrow for Orchid Bay on Great Guana Cay.  That is where Andy won the certificate for the free week’s stay.  Should be fun as it is a beautiful area.  You can check it out yourself at

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