Day #224 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

Woke to another beautiful, sunny, warm day here in Marsh Harbour and was anxious to get out for our morning walk.  The sights, sounds and smells are now becoming familiar and a morning tradition I look froward to.

Today is set aside for getting ready to take off for our island hopping expedition.  We washed the boat inside and out and did several loads of laundry.  At Marsh Harbour Marina we pay a $50 flat fee for water per month.  Once we leave here it will be metered and gets as high as 45 cents per gallon in places.  Makes you think a lot about turning on the faucet.

Part of the day entailed having a diver come and check and clean the bottom of the boat.  He did Salvage Crew first and found a large rope wrapped around one of their propellers and a “dinged” prop.  Then he moved over to our boat and cleaned the bottom and checked things out.  Both boats needed zincs replaced so Andy called around and jumped into a cab to go pick them up.  The diver will come back and install them for us.

We are all a little melancholy today as it is our last day at Marsh Harbour Marina after and wonderful month here. When you stay in one place for a longer period you get to know the people staying in and working at the marina and it has been nothing short of spectacular.  The Abacos have no doubt been the highlight of our trip so far and we are so glad not to have missed seeing them.

From here, when we depart in the morning, we will visit Tahiti Beach and Sea Spray Marina on Elbow Cay.  From there we will go to Guana Cay and Orchid Bay and Treasure Cay.  After that we will wait for a weather window to cross back over through “The Whale” and on to Green Turtle Cay.  After that, an anchorage at Sale Cay and back to Old Bahama Bay in West End.  We plan to take about 10-14 days to do all that before crossing over the Gulf Stream again to Palm Beach, Florida area.

Stephen on the dock at Marsh Harbour Marina.  This is how the dock attendants travel around the docks to and from the restaurant.

We are not sure how good our internet will be along the way.  We will be in touch when we can.  In an emergency you can always reach us at:

Address your e-mail to:

With the boat’s name as subject, ie:

Subject: M/V “Good News”

Each morning we listen to the VHF radio at 8:15 and they make announcements and let boaters know when someone is trying to reach them.

Until then…bon voyage!

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