Day #206 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos

Many, many thanks to talented, dedicated son Ryan for getting my blog back in running order.  He donated many hours out of his BUSY schedule to help me out.

Today I uploaded the last week, from Day#200 – #205 and we are now up-to-date.

Another quiet day as high winds were expected that never materialized thankfully, nor did the rain they predicted.  Guess it ducked around us. Sunny and 74 today.

Joe and Judy Lynch on Night  Star arrived today from Green Turtle.  We had last seen them in West End and are glad they are here now.

The highlight of the day was when the “Lobster Man” arrived on the docks.  Patti and I each purchased a dozen lobsters for $3.25 each.  He said it is nearing the end of the lobster season, however he still has fresh grouper, conch and snapper.

Patti is coming over to grill out and and watch the Academy Awards tonight.  Sadly, Brad is under the weather with a cold and staying low and away tonight.  He will be missed.

One Response to “Day #206 – Marsh Harbour, Abacos”

  1. Claud Says:

    so glad you’re back in touch. It looks misserable down there. you do know what you’re missing here.let me remind you.. snow, shoveling, freezing rain ,falling on one’s ass and mostly the large piles of dirty icey snow on the sides of the roads. Oh yes and the dumpster in my driveway. Say no more…I know how quilty you feel(not)
    could you stay for a few extra weeks when its more convenient for the rest of us to join in the missery you’re experiencing.
    boo hooing in Ma.

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