Day #118 – Bradenton, FL

Had a bit of a rough night at anchor.  The winds picked up and completely changed direction during the night so it made it really rough.

Took off for Twin Dolphin Marina in Bradenton and arrived at 9:30.  Washed the boat down from the salt water crossing the day before and headed into town for lunch with Bob and Deb.  Found a great little burger joint (Marina recommendation.)  They were great and greasy.  Old place, dark, greasy and Deb even spotted a cock roach near her seat at the bar.  Ummmmm.

Walked around the cute little downtown for a bit and back to the boat.  Rested up a little from the sleepless night before and went over to Headquarters for dinner.  Back to the boat and a good night’s sleep.

Guess not everyone welcomes us?!?!?!?!

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