Day #117 – Bradenton, FL

For the first time in a long time the weather was a little squirrely today.  Woke to a beautiful sunrise, then clouds rolled in.  We spent the morning on the boat. Andy cleaned the outside and I cleaned the inside.  Did a couple of loads of laundry and done through Thanksgiving.

About noon we had a few sprinkles, but they passed quickly. We walked up to the city and it is beautiful.  Old world charm and new construction combined, but done well.  Nice to see activity and construction as it means their economy is still okay.

Upon the recommendation of people in the marina office we went to a restaurant called Five Guys Burgers.  It is very much like In-and-Out Burgers in California.  GREAT burgers and good fries.  Yummy fare.

Walked back to the boat and took off from the dock about 1:30.  Came across Tampa Bay and entered the Manatee River area.  We are anchored with 10 other boats, eight sail boats, one house boat and us.  Pretty spot and calm waters among BIG houses.  Will stay here for the night and pull into Twin Dolphins Marina in the morning.

One Response to “Day #117 – Bradenton, FL”

  1. Bob and Charlotte Snider Says:

    Hi Mary and Andy…….you should write a guide to “eating your way around the loop”! You eat at great places! Enjoying following you on your blog…….hope you had a calm night at anchor. Cheers Bob and Charlotte

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