Day #23 – Ludington, MI

A windy night in Ludington. The ferry came and went and announced their arrival/departure each time by blowing their horns.  Another windy day expected here today.  50% chance of showers.  We’ll see how long our weather luck can hold out!  Last full day with John and Karen onboard…sad.

Brian, Chris, McKenzie, Ian and John, Lori and Matthew Fricke joined us onboard after the rain stopped.  We walked uptown and had lunch.  It was a rough meal as they took almost two hours to serve us.  Walked around town again and came back to the boat.  The gang left and Jack Bennett from Bham came down the dock for a visit.  When we left he gave us a huge bag of freshly caught salmon.

Went over to Brian and Chris’ for dinner and sunset bonfire. Had a wonderful time and Mother Nature certainly cooperated and provided us with an amazing sunset over Lake Michigan.  Fun was had by all!

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