Day #21 – Frankfort, MI

Woke to a little cloudiness but it lifted quickly.  Had a great run to Frankfort, about 38 miles, just under four hours and arrived about 1:00.  A great spot called Jacobsons Marina in Betsie Lake. Beautiful sand dunes and lots of big boats.

Karen and I walked into town and toured the usual T-shirt shops, art galleries, etc.  The fellas washed the boat and Karen and I did laundry at the marina…a catch-up day. 

Went into town and ate at a restaurant named Tali which was fair.  Came back to the boat.  No sunset, too cloudy. 

The marina was crazy as it is “Benzie Frenzie”…a slamon fishing tournament.  We watched boats go out all night like a parade.  Happy fishermen and fisherladies!  Went to bed and a HUGE storm in the night. Sounded like someone dumped an enormous bucket of water on the boat.

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